If the countries were... Baltic version

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If the countries were depicted like the Youtube channel, Geography Now!

Let's start with the baltic nations.

*Since Belarus is often added into baltic nations, I'm putting her into this. Oh and Poland too*


Lithuania and Latvia: *creepy* Come play with us Estonia

Estonia: N-n-no thanks *Nervous gulp*

Belarus: I want visitors but I also don't...


Belarus and Lithuania: *Making out in the back*

Poland: *Is Lithuania's ex* *Glaring at Belarus*

Latvia: ESTONIA~~~~~

Estonia: *Singing with Finland* *staying away from Latvia*


Latvia: *Devil laughing*

Lithuania: *Devil laughing* *Waving a bunch of suspicious crosses at people* *chanting weird rituals*

Belarus: Meh.

Estonia: *Trying to focus on something other than Lithuania and Latvia, who are coming closer slowly*


Lithuania: Potatoes.

Belarus: Potatoes.

Latvia: SAUSAGE! Maybe a potato.

Estonia: Fish, meat and potatoes


Poland: Hey Lithu-

Liithuania: ...Yes Poland?

Poland: Am I... Interrupting something?

Belarus: Bye Poland.

Poland: I was sent... by you know...Estonia and Latvia...

Lithuania: Come back later. I'm busy.

Poland: *leaving* the things that I walk in on...

Lithuania and Belarus: *Giggling*

Latvia: *Creepy voice* Lithuaniaaaaaaa~~~~~ Come and play~~~~~~


Heheheh... As a shipper of Lietbel, I enjoyed the episodes of Belarus and Lithuania. Still waiting for the Poland episode though.... But definitely enjoyed Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia episodes. i highly recommend the mini youtube series. It's hilarious.

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