Drawing borders

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It would be recommended that you have google maps open on the side XD It may help a tad bit.


In the Balkan peninsula~

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ah swimming is so much fun~

Croatia: Let's see what I can do about that...

A few years later~

Bosnia and Herzegovina: .......Why


Bosnia: Rude much...

Herzegovina: R.I.P


In the Baltic states

Belarus: Lake Drūkšiai is mine.

Lithuania: How about....no. It's obviously a Lithuanian name

Belarus: But it's on my side.

Lithuania: Let's do this instead. *draws a few things*

 Belarus: Why would you split a small island in two? Just give me the whole lake.

Lithuania: thE LakE iS MinE! *T-REX ROAR*

A few hours later~~

Belarus: I'm missing a national park...

Lithuania: *Innocent whistling* [Referring to 'Dieveniškių istorinis regioninis parkas']

Latvia, having heard about Border redrawing, approaches.

Belarus: Lake Riču is mine. Don't even think about it.

Latvia: You can keep the island, I'll just take this part, ok?

Belarus: Hmm...Ok.

After careful reevaluation of her country map...

Belarus: Why is the island split in half... LATVIAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Latvia: *Hiding underneath the floorboards and shaking*


In north America

Canada: Let's make a straight border.

America: *Doing his own thing* Hmm? Ok *Draws Alaska as his own*

Canada: ...

America: Do you want this small town?

Canada: YES

America: Fight me

*An hour later*

Canada: The border is going through a library in my town.

America: Don't you mean my town?

Canada: I'm still bigger!

America: I have more people!


America: I'll get you sooner or later~~~


Did any of you enjoy this fun little thing? I was looking at google maps and just laughing looking at this, especially the Lithuania and Belarus national park I mentioned earlier. It's fun to look at

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