7 - It's okay..right?

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Jacks point of view 

(also shoutout to my friend SinamonDoggo happy birthday!!)

The class was dead silent after the video ended and the lights were back on. The teacher, Ms. Myra looked at all of us then sighed, standing up. "I know it's a lot to take in. It always has been, you will get the rest of the period to process this information, and if you have any questions please ask! I'll be happy to answer." One kid, a younger one raised his hand and she pointed at him "we won't go to war, will we?" She smiled warmly at him and answered "No, sweetie, it's just a possibility and probably won't happen, and if it does it won't be anytime soon." The class fell silent again and after a while I raised my hand without thinking and she called on me, I hesitated "So..it's going to be okay, right?" She then sighed and paused, now knowing how to answer. "I-..I don't know." Silence. That's all it was, for the next half of the day. 

We were eventually released from the class and I walked out and found my way to the library after a few wrong turns. I went and sat in one of the two bean bag chairs they have in one of the back corners and got out my phone, texting mark. (M-Mark, J-Jack. You know the drill)

J- hey, just got out of history. It's a lot more than you let on, I can see why it was hidden now.

M- yeah, wanna talk about it?

J- sure. I'm in the library

M- okay, be there in five to ten minutes. Where in the library?

J- Back corner, beanbag chair.

M- got it. See you in a bit Jackaboy

J- seeya Markimoo.

I waited in the chair and stared at the ceiling and heard a familiar voice "Markimoo, huh?" I jumped a bit and looked at him, blushing lightly "Shut up! It's the first thing I could think of." I crossed my arms and looked away, playfully pouting like a child. He smiled and laughed a bit, "is jack maaaad?" He asked, playing around and using the voice people usually use when they talk to children or animals. I rolled my eyes and looked back at him, he was now sitting on the bean bag chair across from me. "No." We both just laughed it off, before quieting down and looking at each other. 

 Mark spoke after a minute or two of silence "So..how was it"I paused and looked at him "Hard.." he sighed and ran a hand through his hair "I know." I continued afterwards "It's a lot to take, I mean, what happens if we do have another war?-" He then leaned forward and put a hand on my shoulder, cutting me off "Jack, look at me." I looked into his chocolate brown eyes that were staring back at my ocean blue ones. "It's going to be okay. Do you know how small the chances of that happening are?" I nodded "See? It's going to be okay, you're going to be okay." I smiled at him as his voice and his words calmed my racing heart. I smiled a bit at him as he pulled his hand away from my shoulder, which turned cold with the lack of his touch. 

We sat there and continued to talk for hours, about what would happen here, about ourselves, about things we liked. Anything and everything. It eventually was late afternoon, and Mark informed me that tomorrow at the second half of the day Us two, Ethan, Tyler, Bob, and Wade would have a training session/demonstration of powers since I was new and he said he thought it could help. He then gave me their numbers, but still, the fact that that was happening. That made my nervousness about tomorrow spike through the roof, but it calmed a bit after I remembered in the first half of the day I would be tested to see what my powers really were, and maybe, if we got to it, the basics. So I'd be spending all day outside tomorrow. It was still scary because the way they would do that is put me in difficult situations to see how I'd react.  And there was a chance I could get hurt. Fun!

Mark seemed to notice my nervousness and mental conflict with myself because he looked at me directly in the eyes and spoke "Jack, I know you're scared. I was too on my first week or so here. You'll be okay, I promise." I listened while looking back into his eyes and smiled weakly "okay" he gave me a reassuring smile and then said "the reason we have the training all together tomorrow is to help you." This made me smile a little despite me being anxious about tomorrow. "There's the smile" I laughed softly "shut up" he let out a quiet chuckle "Never." After a moment of silence I asked "what do you want to do now?" He the thought for a moment before speaking "Do you want me to show you around everything outside so you don't get lost?" I nodded "sure, sounds good." 

We got up and went outside, and he began to take me around and show me everything. All the different training fields, target practice, a giant dome looking thing that was also bigger on the inside like the school that could apparently simulate any type of environment, which sounded fucking awesome, and all the ability testing places. When we finished the sun was beginning to set so we both started to make our was to the boys rooms on the right side of the school, and on the way he asked me "So, do you have a roommate?" I shook my head "Nope. Just me." He looked awestruck "What?? Lucky! I'm stuck with Felix!" He joked and I laughed quietly before joking back "Luck of the Irish!" We both laughed and went inside the building. He then began to walk me to my room "You don't have to walk me there" I said, as he continued to walk with me. "I want to! Besides I want to see your room." I smiled a bit "Alright, it's really nothing special." He playfully scoffed "Okay, well let's see jacks private suite!" He said in an awful accent that made me laugh, "okay, okay. Just because of that I'll let you see." He smiled "Yes!" And I laughed softly at him. 

We walked into my room and he looked around "cool!" I giggled softly "I guess" I let him look around for a while, and then checked my clock, it was 9:30. Man, already? Damn. He looked also and lightly sighed "Alright Jackaboy, I should go, it's startingto get late and both of us need sleep-" he paused, walking up to me and poking my chest "especially you. You have a big day tomorrow." I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes "Okay, Mark, I get it. I need sleep." He smiled "Good that you understand" I giggled softly and we both fell silent, chocolate eyes staring at ocean eyes and the other way around. 

We both stood their, our faces less than a foot apart, and staring into each other's eyes. What is happening?  I thought and then noticed him ever so slightly move his face closer to my face. I felt my face heat up. Mark?  I thought again and made the slightest movement towards him. Our faces got closer, and closer, and our lips barely brushed against the others, and I jumped back, realizing what was going to happen. We almost kissed! He then seemed a bit upset and blushed lightly "S-sorry! I'll - I'll just go now." He pushes past me and started out the door, my brain processed things a second too late and I whipped around to face the already open door and start quickly to him "Mark wai-!" 

Thud. The door was already shut and he was gone. He probably hates me now. I sighed and felt myself tear up. I tried not to cry, why did this hurt? I couldn't like him! It's been a few days! No, I don't. We're friends. We're friends. We're friends. I felt the hot tears start to fall down my face before I could stop them and I put my hands over my face. I messed up. I probably just ruined everything. It was only a few days that we had known each other! Then why did he feel so special?! I didn't try to stop the tears now as they ran down my face. It's going to be okay. His words echoed through my head, he couldn't hate me. It's going to be okay, you're going to be okay. A small sob escaped my lips as I continued to think about him. I whispered quietly to myself over and over to try and give myself the slightest bit of hope. "It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay, it's going to be okay.." I stopped after a few minutes and looked back up through blurry eyes, thinking about his words one more time. 

It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay, you're going to be okay. It's okay...


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