36 - The search

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Mark's point of view

We walked for a little while, and when we reached the hills my legs began to ache, but I pushed through it. The worst has yet to come. After what felt like an eternity of walking and worrying, we saw the edge of the forest come into view over a few hills. But even closer, and even better, Bob, Wade, and Ethan walking our direction. Tyler seemed to notice as well because his face lit up as he saw Ethan. I smiled softly, trying not to think the worst with Jack, and looking on the bright side. They're back again now. We walked a little faster, Tyler eager to see Ethan again, and I still haven't heard back from Jack yet. I still tried not to think about the worst thing though, as we pressed on, ready to reunite the two lovers along with getting most of the group back together. 

After a few minutes we reached them and I smiled softly as Tyler and Ethan shared an embrace, smiling and holding each other close, pulling away after a good moment we all needed. The rest of us greeted each other, and when Tyler and Ethan finished their moment they rejoined us, smiling, now not seeming to be awkward around each other at all, like they were back when they first got together at the cabin. We stood there with each other, a few seconds of silence passed, and I finally spoke, saying what's been on my mind since we lost him. "We need to find Jack." I looked between them, and Tyler nodded as Bob spoke "Right. Did you get him to answer you?" I sadly shook my head, and he nodded. "I knew we'd have to split up back in the forest, that's why I said it, but I din't see this coming. Sorry." 

"It's okay. We'll find him." I had to keep convincing myself that we would.

"We will, don't worry. So, let's look at this logically. Ethan, Wade and I went to the left. You and Tyler went straight but slightly left as well. There were buildings straight ahead so he wouldn't have been able to attempt that without getting caught, and if he did we would have heard it, so that eliminates a lot of options. Directly to the right there were more cops, do that wouldn't have been an option either for the same reasons, and he couldn't have gone back because that's stupid. This being said, there's only one way he could've gone without being caught, and without staying with us. That way is the road between the buildings we saw to the right, but straight ahead, right in between that. So, now we know where he went, and that should help us a lot. We still don't know how far he went though. The longer we wait the farther we could go, and that would make our search even harder. So the sooner we start moving the better it should be, and the sooner we should find him." 

We all took a moment to process Bob's genius before agreeing to leave and start our search for the Irishman. We turned and began walking, and I ignored the aching in my legs, knowing that I'd see Jack soon made me motivated to press on no matter hat, I had to get back to him. The walk was pretty much silent, but it wasn't as tense or uncomfortable as it had been, so that was a small plus in a lot of negatives. We eventually reached the neighborhoods where the hills stopped, and began to walk. I remembered the route Tyler and I took to get here so I lead us, walking through houses and down roads and after a while making it back to the alley we first hid in. I took a deep breath as we reached the other side of the alley, the one that we first entered, and began to walk after a very brief stop, trying to remember the exact way back and hoping that the cops weren't still there.

Luckily, we made our way back to where we had run from, and the cops were no longer there. I turned and stopped for a second, locating the road that Bob had mentioned being the only logical way Jack could escape, and beginning to walk, hearing the other's footsteps following behind me shortly after. I continued down the road, and after a while it broke off into major roads, like a highway, and in the distance I could see some buildings and stores and such. Stopping I pointed to that direction. "He must have gone there. Knowing him, it seems like the first place he would go. It's the first place any of us  would go, honestly." Bob agreed, followed by everyone else and we started in that direction. 

Jack's point of view

I continued to read until I had memorized a shit ton of magical abilities, but haven't tried them out. I just had a feeling it would work when the time comes, though. I had lost track of the time a bit, and it was now late afternoon, maybe evening. I put the book in my bag and slowly stood on wobbly legs. I took my phone and the charger out of my pocket, unwrapping the chord from around the phone and putting it, still attached to the portable charger back in my backpack before quickly zipping it closed and slipping the straps over my shoulders. I powered my phone on since it was luckily now almost fully charged, and decided to head out to look some more, and see if I could contact or locate the others. 

I let all of the notifications come and checked them, reading them all as so much worry and guilt hit me all at once that it almost physically hurt. I sighed and looked at Mark's six or so texts, fiddling with my ring for a second before texting back, but then deleting the message I was going to send and figuring I'd see if I could just call him, as I walked out of the store and onto the street, walking a little bit as I hit the call button under his contact. 

One ring... Two rings... Three rings.. Fou- "Hello? Jack?!" 

"Mark! Thank god you're okay!"

"Are you okay?! We've been so worried! Where are you? Are you hurt? Did anyone find you?" 

"Calm down Mark, I'm okay, I promise. Who else is with you?"

"Everyone. We just found each other a little while ago. Now Where are you?"

"I'm really not sure."

He sighed "At least you're okay. Describe your surroundings."

"Well, there's a lot of buildings and shops around. I'm in the middle of the street now, and I scavenged through most of them."

"We're heading there now actually, Bob figured some things out to find out where you could be and luckily you're exactly there."

I smiled softly "Great! Well, I'll be waiting then. I'm ready to see you!" 

"Me too! I'm glad you're alive. I'll see you soon, we need to keep moving. I love you!" 

"I love you too Ma-" 

A/N lol get left on a cliffhanger until later I'm evil but sorry. Guess who's up late writing again?! Hehe, it's me. So, thank you guys so much for all of the support, I can't tell you how much it means and I can't thank you enough. We've come so far in a short time, and it makes me really happy. I love you guys so much, and I hope you're enjoying! If you have any suggestions or anything please let me know, I read every comment, and every notification. Everything. Anyways, it's getting late. Love you guys SO much, stay pawesome - Gay-Galaxy38

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