71 - Moving along

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It's incredible how I started this chapter with like the smallest bit of angst and feeling down but finished it smiling so much my cheeks hurt.

Jack's point of view

We grabbed our bags from the store, sneaking back in through the alley and seeing that Cody and Alex's bag were gone, and we left through the alley and started to walk away again unnoticed, thinking it'd be to awkward to go back to just get our bags and confront the people that were just cheering us on moments ago.

Night had fallen after a while, but we continued tot walk. Why we were still just walking to do this? I had no idea. Maybe it's so we can get closer to the coast so Ethan can portal us easier, that could be it. But the slow pace we were keeping still kind of bothered me. After a while of walking in the dark, I had gotten pretty fed up with it. We were just going to walk?! We're attempting something huge, we're trying to finish this once and for all, and we're just going to casually walk to try and get it done? I sucked in a deep breath, and Mark reached over to grab my hand, seeming to notice  my discomfort about the situation, but I had started speaking my mind as soon as his hand made contact with mine, even though that didn't stop him.

"So, we're just walking? Aren't we trying to get this done?!" Bob turned back, and we kept walking as we spoke, and everyone was looking at me now. I didn't care, they needed some sense brought to them. "Well, yeah, but-" I took a deep breath, cutting him off, "You realize how big this is, right? What we're doing.. think about it. We're going back to our destroyed home, confronting the people against us only to tell them one of the most unbelievable things possible. With no physical proof." It was only after I finished speaking that I realized how scared and full of doubt I sounded. Mark softly squeezed my hand, and I took a shaky breath before anyone else could speak again. "What I'm saying is.. it's dangerous, and I'd just like to go ahead and follow on our plan to get it over with so I don't have to spend as much time worrying."

"I understand. But I'm sorry. It'll take a few days to get to the coast, where we'll have to rest, and then get portaled over, rest again, and then set up a master plan I'm already making. It'll be over before you know it, don't worry. We need to keep moving." I swallowed hard. "I understand." He nodded and everyone turned back around, continuing forward, and Mark leaned down and whispered so that only I could hear. "It's okay Jack, I'll be with you. It's gonna be okay." I nodded and kissed his cheek and he smiled, squeezing my hand softly as we kept walking in the dark, looking at the night sky.

We walked with few stops for five, nearly six days when we reached the coast. It had been mostly silent except for directions from Bob, and Felix and I, since we kind of knew our way around. Mark had carried me a few times, and the same happened with Tyler and Ethan. We had stopped twice to sleep, and that's it. We had made our way back to the hotel that we stayed in back when we first came to Brighton. All of us where exhausted and were going to take a few days to ready and recharge, and only to go overseas and simply wait again for Ethan to return to normal. 

We had walked inside tiredly, going into the same room groups we had when we stayed last time here, and Felix kicked off his shoes, sliding his bag off as I shut the door behind all of us.  Felix flopped into the bed, messily throwing the blankets over himself. It was late evening, and the sun was setting in the sky, the remaining light pouring through the window, and I looked outside, slipping out of my shoes with sore feet, as I watched the sun set over the ocean, as Mark pulled his flannel that he had also gotten with his backpack from the store off, and I had watched him without knowing it. The flannel was still as it was way back at the school, when it had made multiple appearances over the torn up black shirt he wore, save for how it was dirtier now and smelled of smoke, still keeping his smell to it from what I guessed.

Not knowing I zoned out staring at him, shoes and torn hoodie on the ground from where I slipped them off, he smiled at me, and I jumped when Felix started snoring loudly, bringing me out of my trance. I felt my face heat up, and Mark was still smiling at me. The smallest hint of a smirk mixed into his features and he moved and whispered, leaning slightly on the bed and my direction. "You like what you see Jackaboy?" I rolled my eyes, my face felt like it was on fire in an obvious blush. "Oh hush, you doof." He laughed softly and flopped down onto the bed as I slid my bag down onto the floor. 

As soon as it left my arm he reached out and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and pulled me down and snuggled me close, burying his face into the space between my neck and shoulder, and I felt his smile against my skin. "Mark." I laughed quietly, struggling to get out of his firm hold, his arms wrapped around my waist, his chest pressed comfortably against my back. "Jaaaaaack" he complained, keeping his face where it was, "Mark, I'll be right back." He groaned, feigning annoyance. "Stay." He said and I smiled at his childishness he had at times. He whined as I pulled his arms away, and I rolled my eyes, "You're such a baby sometime's Mark." He sat upright, looking offended, "I'm not a baby! You're the baby you..baby." He weakly insulted and I laughed softly, and he was smiling a little. "Alright." I rolled my eyes, "I'll be back in just a second I promise." He pouted, "Mark." He crossed his arms grumpily, "Jack, stay."

I rolled my eyes, "Mark, I have to pee. It'll only be a second, then we can snuggle all you want." He huffed, "Fine." I smiled and got up, leaving the room for a moment.

Surprisingly, despite it's crummy condition the hotel had water still, so I walked out, not caring to dry my hands after I washed them and flicked some of the water onto his face. He put his arms up, blocking the drops flying his way. "Why Jack." He said, but it was more of a slightly playful statement rather than a question. I giggled softly, and Felix continued to snore obnoxiously behind us, but we didn't care. I sat on the bed, my back facing him as I threw back the covers. He grabbed me and pulled me close, his arms tightly around my waist as we went back into the position we were in before I left. He spooned me, and I kicked the blanket up with my leg and pulled it above us, the room darkening from the lack of sunlight outside. 

He smiled and buried his face into the crook of my neck and I smiled softly, feeling his warm breath against my skin. I started to drift off and I heard him speak tiredly. He sounded like he as close to sleep as well, "I love you Jack." I mumbled in response, but I knew he understood it due to the tired and chaste kiss he pressed where his face was, not caring to move it. "I love you too, Mark." And with that, we fell asleep. 

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