22 - Beach Day

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Jack's point of view

Eventually we all went home, tired after a long day of hanging out and goofing around. We walked back to our rooms, and Mark held my hand the entire way there. Everyone else had separated from us to go to their rooms, leaving him to walk me home. I asked if he was sure and he said he didn't mind at all. He took me back to my room and gave me a quick kiss, before letting me go inside, but before he left I turned back to him. "Wait." I took off the flannel and gave it to him. "Here." He smiled "Oh, thanks. Almost forgot." We said our goodbyes and shared a hug before he left, and I closed the door behind him.

Shortly after I changed and laid down, deciding to see if I could go to bed. I laid there for a bit, and called Mark after a while, and we talked for a bit. We just talked about everything for a few hours, and without meaning to, I eventually drifted off to sleep; still on the phone with Mark, falling asleep to his voice. The last thing I remember was listening to him, laying down and snuggling into the blankets, before falling asleep.

I woke up a little late the next morning, the phone still under the right side of my face. I slowly woke and sat up, the phone leaving a mark on the entire right half of my face. I shook myself awake, stretching my arms and just sitting there for a minute. It was already almost eleven in the morning. I sighed softly and got ready for the day.

Eventually, I fell back into my normal routine, the one I had before realizing my feelings for Mark. Except now we spent more time together, and I really enjoyed said time together. A few more weeks had past, and it was a Thursday evening, and we were sitting on a bench in the schoolyard, a few trees around us. The sun began to set, and we sat next to each other, and I laid my head against his shoulder as we watched the sun set behind the trees. I had learned that the school was just on a small, unnamed island to the West of the United States. There were also some mystics that were spread out around the world, who have either graduated from the school and can do as they pleased, probably becoming Teachers here or joining the police force or something. Or they had refused to go to the school and were never heard of since, which was a bit scary.

After a bit of silence, he looked down at me, and I lifted my head up slightly to make eye contact with him. "Hey Jack?"

"Yeah?" he paused after I answered.

"If we can.. Would you like to go on a date with me?" My face felt like it caught on fire then, and I smiled softly. "I'd love to, Mark." He smiled brightly and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips, and my eyes closed on instinct as I kissed back. We smiled into the kiss, gently breaking it, and he rested his forehead against mine, putting a hand on the back of my neck. I put my hands on his shoulders before hugging him, keeping our heads together. He wrapped his arms around me in return, giving a strong hug back. I smiled and we sat there for a bit in each other's arms.

He let me go and we shifted, and he laid back on the bench, pulling me close, and we were in the same position that we were in on the hill after I first confessed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head into the space between my neck and shoulder, hugging me close, my back against him. I smiled and he pulled his head away, and we began to talk and make plans, seeing what we might be able to do for a date.

"Oooh, hey Jack." I hummed in response and he continued, and I knew he was planning something. "What iiif, we got Ethan to portal us off the island and into Cali, and we spent a day in the towns along the coast, maybe went to the beach? You know, just, sneak out of school." I thought for a minute "Come ooon Jackaboy, It can't be that bad, and we don't have any classes tomorrow. It'll be fun! Our first daate" I sighed softly "Couldn't be too bad." He laughed giddily and squeezed me in a hug "Yaay, tomorrow it is then! We'll ask Ethan tonight." He kissed my temple and I smiled, and we stood up after a while. "Time to go ask." He marched off and followed, smiling and catching up to him and taking his hand as we walked to Wade and Ethan's room.

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