Chapter 25

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I was already in a rush to prepare dinner when Lindsey arrived a little after six. I answered the door with lemon pepper marinade all over my left hand and some barbecue sauce in my bangs. I wasn't quite sure how I'd managed that accident.

At five-foot-four with thick brown shoulder-length hair and big hazel eyes, Lindsey could've been Kacey's twin. Like Kacey, she had a knack for fashion, strutting around in cute furry boots and perfectly matching her scarf to the rest of her outfit. I'd always told her she should've gone for a dual career in fashion and realty. Before becoming a realtor, she'd worked as an interior designer and home stager for her mentor, Ella, who was now the broker at their real estate office.

"Dear God in heaven. What the fuck are you doing, Kate?" Lindsey burst into laughter at my appearance.

"Apparently, aprons are bad luck," I said, leading her into the kitchen. "Because I put it on to catch the mess, but the mess has, so far, gotten everywhere except on the apron."

"Sounds about right," she grinned and set her folder down on the kitchen table.

While she laid out the paperwork I would need to sign, I attempted to finish transferring my marinated chicken thighs into the skillet and wash the residue off my hands and out of my hair.

I'd gotten home later than I'd wanted, having not originally planned to tour houses that afternoon. I'd expected to leave work earlier and get home with plenty of time to cook and relax a while before Alex showed up. Instead, my chicken had gotten more of a glazing than a proper marinating, and I only hoped that I would have enough time to clean up the mess on the stove top before dinner time.

I placed the last of the thighs in the skillet and put the lid on. Then I trekked over to where Lindsey sat, pen in hand, ready to begin the selling process.

"After this move is over, might I suggest a vacation?" She looked at me with that same big-sisterly expression she gave Kacey when giving advice.

I wiped a drop of sweat from my forehead and flopped down in the chair beside her. "You're not the first person to tell me that this week, and it's only Monday."

"It's a sign." She pointed her pen at me to emphasize her statement. "Now, shall we?"

"Fire away."

We spent roughly thirty minutes going over paperwork and discussing the selling process while I frequently tended to my food. I signed a document retaining Lindsey as my real estate agent and we reviewed my title, mortgage, insurance, and property tax information, among other things.

While I finished up dinner, Lindsey took a quick look around the house and we set up another time for her to come back and take photos for the online listing.

The house was only worth about $105,000 and that was the listing price we agreed on. It had been my first major step in adulthood after graduating, aside from my car. I couldn't afford much at the time, but it was a nice little house in a quiet neighborhood and it was easy to maintain. That was all I'd needed at the time.

"I'll see you Thursday morning!" Lindsey smiled and waved as she jogged out to her SUV moments later.

I looked at the clock. 6:40. I had just enough time to freshen up and clean off the stove.

I left the two burners I'd been using on low to keep the food warm while I scrubbed around them where I'd dripped sauce. My side dish was a mix of carrots, bell pepper, onion, and celery cooked in a little bit of wine with a dash of garlic powder and fresh cracked pepper. It didn't sound as expert-level as Alex's cooking, but I liked to think I was a pretty decent chef, and I was overall pleased with how the meal turned out in such a short time frame.

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