Chapter 5: Lightning Nightmares Bring Delight

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Lightning flashes made Lolbit run down the stairs so fast, she nearly slipped. "You ok there?" worried Foxy.

"Uh, yeah I'm alright." Foxy insisted to play some video games. They started to play some circlemine. "Really? Thanks, it's my favourite game." When they started the game, Foxy noticed something.

"Aww you already got lava diamond. No fair you have been playin this with Baby haven't you?" whined Foxy. All Lolbit did was give him a smirk. Lightning roared and Lolbit nearly fell off a cliff. "Woah! Don't die yet Lolbit. You'll lose all your stuff," warned Foxy. Lolbit made her character back up.

"I'll try my best!" Just then, a flash of lightning nocked out the power. Lolbit lunged into Foxy's arms.

"It's ok Lolbit. It's ok." This time, she did not blush, she did not move, she just laid there, without embarrassment.

"Thanks Foxy," whispered Lolbit. "That really scared me."

"C'mon, lets go to bed." Foxy then led Lolbit to his bed. Even in her sleep, she held onto Foxy for dear life. When lightning struck, she would hug tighter and let out a tear. Foxy hugged her back to make her feel better.

"Thanks Foxy. You are the best friend anyone can have," thanked Lolbit quietly.

Foxy was temped to kiss her, but instead snugged her head and told her, "Your welcome." He rubbed Lolbit's back. Her fur was soft and smelt like fresher baked cake. Foxy kept thinking about kissing Lolbit. Not yet he thought, not yet. Foxy slowly cleared the tear on Lolbit's face. She then started to blush. Foxy let out a slight chuckle. He slowly drifted to sleep. Lolbit snugged her head in the covers dreaming what would happen if Foxy answered her question with the answer she would hope for. Lolbit smiled in her sleep.

"I wish this would happen. I hope this will happen," said Lolbit quietly in her sleep. Foxy heard what she said, but he didn't mind it.

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