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Keegan's POV
Denver Airport
9:18 a.m.

Pops and I got out of the car and I grabbed my huge suit case. Sometimes it's not bad that all my stuff fits into one bag.

Pops walked me all the way to the terminal and then we stopped and stared at one another. I didn't quite know what to say.

" Well son, I'm gonna miss having you around. "
" I'm gonna miss you too pops. "
"I want you to stay in touch ok, here I got us both one of these things so you can keep in touch. "

He pulled out an I phone and placed it in my hand.

" Wow, thank you Pops! "
" You're welcome Keegan. "
I started to tear up as they started boarding the flight.
"Hey, don't be upset, you're dad's going to take good care of you. I'm just sorry that I couldn't, believe me I'd give anything for you to stay here."

I wiped some tears.

"I know Pops."
" I love you Keegan. "
"I love you too."
" Call when you land. "

We hugged and they made the last call for my flight.


I was finally settled into my window seat and the the flight attendant came around and made sure we all had our seat belts on. I was super nervous, I had never been on an airplane, that I could remember.

We were taking off when I noticed there was a tv on the back of my seat. It was really cool. I started watching the movie Lost Boys, but fell asleep after the first fifteen minutes.


I later woke up when the flight attendant came around and served us "lunch". It looked and tasted half way decent.
I checked my phone, which I had already set up, and I had one text from Pops.

-- Your father's name is Nathan, he'll be at gate eighteen in a black hoodie.

Ok I still have about two hours left :( --

I shut my phone off, went to the bathroom and finished another movie. I started to dose off when I noticed the seatbelt light turned on. I strapped in and turned off my phone.


Nathan Parnell's POV
Shreveport, La airport
12:53 p.m.

Wow, I never imagined I'd actually be meeting my son. I never knew Kim was pregnant. So that made for an awkward conversation with her father. He told me about how Keegan was only 13, and how he looked a lot like me. I heard that Danny had just lost his wife of thirty something years. I just had a feeling that she was up there listening to a Kurt Cobain guitar solo.

At first I was completely shocked that I had a son that lost his mom to suicide and his Grandmother to a car wreck. I hope he's not a emotionally unstable or whatever.

I hope more than anything that he likes me and will let me try to make up for the thirteen years we weren't together.

All the sudden my thoughts were interrupted when I saw a short boy in a big black jacket walking towards me. I felt like I was looking at a boy version of Kim.

Wow. My son.

10 minutes earlier

Keegan's POV
Shreveport, LA Airport

I got to the baggage claim and after about five minutes I found my bag. I grabbed my phone and called Pops to let him know I made it and I was heading to gate eighteen.

Right now I was at gate fifteen and I could see gate sixteen, so I just started to walk until I found,
sixteen...... seventeen...... Eighteen. BINGO!

I looked around for a few minutes and then I saw him. A middle aged but I a black sweatshirt.

My Father.

Asher Angel as Keegan Barnnet
Dennis Quaid as Danny Barnnet
Chris Pratt As Nathan Parnell

Hey guys so a little bit of a filler but we kind of got a first impression of Nathan so, it turned out pretty good. I was sad that Keegan had to leave Danny, but I think it was probably the best way to get into the plot. So I think I'm actually going to pick Nathan's character so don't worry about it. Anyways, so there we go. New chapter will be coming up soon so add to your library!!!
Also, share,vote,and comment. Thx.


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