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Nathan's POV
1:27 p.m.

"I grant Mr. Nathan Parnell sole custody of Miss Madeline Brinks. Congratulations Mr. Parnell and Miss Brinks. Court dismissed. **tap-tap**."

Holy Crap, we won. We really won.

Madeline started crying tears of joy, she ran over and hugged me so tight I thought I quit breathing. "Hey. We did it, you get to stay and start your new life with us!!!"

" with my new Dad. " At first I was shocked, but then I just smiled and decided I was going to be the dad she was never given. And Ricky would be a kick-ash uncle. Keegan was going to make her the happiest girl around, she's definitely got him wrapped around her finger.

" love ya kid. " I smiled.

"Ditto." She replied.

Ricky and I watched her and Keegan hug and I could've sworn I saw him peck her cheek, but I decided to let it slide. "Now I can make you happy everyday." Keegan told her.

" Kee, you've been making me happy since day one, it won't be anything new. " she smiled sweetly.

"I try." He said blushing. He was super flattered by her small but loving statement.

"I know." She said earnestly.

"Let's head home, I'm going to cook us a big meal to celebrate our new family member." I replied happily.

We all piled back into my truck and buckled up. There's not a single thing that could ruin my day. I finally had a family of my own, Maddie and Keegan, and of course that other big doofus that we usually let tag along 😊.

Madeline's POV
1:39 p.m.

Nathan told us that we should go get changed and that the food would be done in a little while. We both nodded and went to change.

I walked into my room and put on more comfy clothes and some pink fuzzy socks.

I walked across the hall and knocked on Keegan's door. "Come in." As I stepped in as he was slipping his shirt on. " Hey".

"Hi." Gosh this boy could make me melt like a marshmallow . And I made it quite visible unfortunately.

"Fuzzy socks?" He questioned.

"Their comfy." He raised his eyebrow questionably, then grabbed me and gently laid me on the bed, I was a little nervous of what he was thinking. He came slithering up my body trying to tease me, and it was working. He was right up by my face looking me in the eyes as he grabbed my foot and slowly pulled off my sock, and did the same to my other foot. In a quick, swift movement, he left my face to put the socks on his feet. Then began to hover over my face, by just inches.

" Hmmm, not only are they comfy, but their also my favorite color. I may have to steal these. " he teased right next to my ear. I wasn't going to let him win so easily. I pushed him over to his homework desk and leaned us against it.

"I don't think so Mr.Barnnet, you need to remember who's in charge." I leaned in and brushed my lips ever so slightly against his. I pulled back causing him to gain a confused look. I whispered in his ear, " Sorry, but I had to remind you who was in charge here and who's the weak one. " he couldn't even form a sentence after I brushed my lips over his earlobe. "See you understand, right?" I asked innocently.

"Y-Yea, W-Well, H-Hmph. I-I A-Ahhhh, Y-Yeah G-Got it." He kept stuttering and it was the cutest thing ever. I giggled, realizing what I could do to him and how it took little effort at all.

"Hey foods ready, dang I guess you didn't leave him out to dry for to long. You better be glad I insisted on coming up here to get yall. I won't say anything but I'd be more careful." Ricky told us with amusement.

"Thanks 'uncle Ricky-eeee" Keegan said with a creepy but enthusiastic voice.

"No prob kid."

We walked down stairs and was greeted by the smell of Nathan's grilled bbq ribs. They smelled so good. i was probably going to look like a pig,but I didn't even care.

I couldn't be more happy that this was my forever family.

Keegan's POV
2:56 p.m.


We started to dig into the delicious ribs, mashed potatoes, green beans, texas toast, baked beans, and Mac & Cheese.

I was truly happy for once in my life. I had a wonderful dad who's giving me and my girlfriend a wonderful life, I had my insane but awesome uncle who would do anything for me, Maddie, and Nate. And then I had Maddie, my princess, who I'll spend the rest of my life time trying to make her happy and to make sure her every need is satisfied. I Was truly blessed. This all just goes to show that you gotta take the good with the bad, sure I may have lost my Granny and Mom, and I suppose you could say my Pops too ( since he never texts back lol), but in a way, I'm super grateful because I met people who truly love and care for me.

What else could I possibly ever want or need?

Asher Angel as Keegan Barnnet
Chris Pratt As Nathan Parnell
Ricky Olsen as An infamous version of himself
Ciara Bravo As Madeline Brinks

Hello lovelys, I have decided that I will make a part two to this book and that it will have a big time jump that way I can kind of play around more with "Meegan". Anyhow, so that's what's gonna go down. Part one is officially in the books. Hope y'all will liked it. Love yall!!!



Accepting ChangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora