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Keegan's POV
1-18-12 (cont.)
1:33 p.m.

I say in the backseat and held Maddie. She was shaking and as nervous as a cat that knew it was on its ninth life. She was shaking and clinging to the seat, and I tried my best to comfort her and try to make her calm down a little. But before I knew it, we were pulling into her driveway. "Hey it's going to be ok." She gave me a small smile and we got out, but quickly got back in and froze. He's here, shiz.

Madeline's POV
1:40 p.m.

There he was, staring at us.

I was scared shizless. "Let's just go, we can come back at another time." Keegan whispered.

"No, I'm tired of his BS. I've got to do it now, the sooner I get my crap and get away from him, the better."

He gave me a half nervous half strong-willed look. "No Maddie, I won't risk your safety."

" You don't understand, he won't leave because he knows I have to come back eventually. Please. If he hurts me then at least we know that would be the last time he hurt me whether he kills me or just hits me. After I face him and get my stuff, it's over except for court. Please Kee. " he had to understand.

I looked at Nathan and Ricky after a moment of silent debate, they both nodded.

"Fine, but if he tries to hurt you in anyway, I'm going to take the hit, and I want you to run. I'll be ok, you just run and get to a door that locks. I promise we will not leave you ok. I know I'm asking a lot but I really want you to trust me." Keegan had no idea what he was going to see.

"Fine but stay close to me please. We're going to try not to piss him off and if possible avoid him. Keep your phone on you and I'll have mine ready to dial 9-1-1 if I have to. Hopefully it won't come to that though. My room is on the second floor so I gotta get to the stairs." I tried to emphasize how serious this could be of my dad was drunk.

Nathan finally spoke up, " we're going to be standing outside the door, if you happen to need us then call or text us. Ok? "

Keegan and I nodded and got out of the truck. John was sitting on the porch watching us walk up, with a beer and a cigarette in his hand.

"Oh look, the w**** came crawling back." He insulted. Keegan was already fuming. Keegan could only take so much, before he snapped.

"Hello John. I've come to get all of my clothing, savings, and personal items. I won't be but about thirty minutes." I tried being polite and nature about the matter.

" No. You can't just walk up into this house with your fake polite attitude and your fake little boyfriend and expect not to pay the price. Tell your little boyfriend to go back to his shack, and I'll meet you in my room after I finish this. " He motioned towards his beer.

I started to speak when Nathan and Ricky walked in the door and stood by Keegan. I started to say something but I was cut off.

"No wonder Sarah just up and left. She was sick and tired of dealing with a repulsive monster like you. Did you know that not only Sarah, but also Maddie could've had a happy life, and this girl wouldn't have to live with feeling guilty over something that wasn't even her fault, but yours. As if Sarah leaving wasn't bad enough, Maddie felt as though she lost both of her parents that day. And ever since you've done nothing but tear her down and make her feel like she's not good enough or that she doesn't have human rights. She's a person, John. No better yet, I'll call you a BEAST, because your nothing but an ignorant, selfish, cruel, repulsive, merciless, dishonorable, hateful, pitiful, and sorry excuse for a human being. And BEAST, I hope one day when you come face to face with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, he'll spit in your face and send you to satan. Maybe then you'll get a small taste of what you put Maddie through everyday. One day you're going to look back and regret your decisions. I mean honestly, if you think that Maddie is so 'worthless and pestering' then why can't she leave? Oh wait, now I remember, because Sarah isnt here to beat on, therefore you try to abuse and threaten Maddie as though she signed up to be Sarah's replacement, and I promise you BEAST, she definitely didn't sign up for that. But you know what BEAST, everything's just peachy because I'm fixing to give your daughter the life she always longed for and deserved, you know the life you couldn't give her even if you wanted to. I'm going to love and treat her like the princess she is, everyday until my very last minute,because obviously you couldn't take the initiative to do so, which is pitiful. Now, if you would please excuse me, Maddie and I are going up to her room to pack her things so that she can get away from this hell hole you consider a house. So yea. I'll be upstairs if you need to hear some of the other things you were doing a pitiful job at, which includes your parenting habits and technic. " Keegan concluded his rant with a, "Come on Maddie."

I was crying silently when we got to my room. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Keegan called my father out for what he was and had the balls to stick up for me. I couldn't believe this.

"Hey what's wrong, did I upset you. I'm so sorry I just blew up. I don't know what came over me!!! He just stood there and fumes but I was just scared he would lash out at you. Maddie I'm so sor-"

I cut him off by hugging him and I only let go of him enough to press my lips to his. "That was the sweetest thing you could be done, I don't know how you did it but you literally had him dumbfounded. I can't believe you had the balls to do that for me." I cried into his chest.

" I meant every word, and I did it because the thought of you going to that bastards room is my worst nightmare. " he replied.I

"Really?" I asked shocked.

" I thought you said you didn't take me for a liar?" He whispered in my ear. I laughed lightly at his reference from the day before. He swiftly kissed my cheek and he continued to help me pack.

15 minutes later

I was completely packed and Keegan helped me carry my bags to the car while Nathan and Ricky kept John from flipping shiz. They were also informing Him that the court date was in two days, and the judge said he must attend the hearing.

We finally loaded up and we headed back to Nathan's house. When we got there the boys helped me move all of my stuff into Nathan's old room so that I could have a room close to Keegan's. Nathan said that he'd actually rather have the downstairs room anyhow so everything worked perfectly.

I just couldn't get to comfy , because there's always a chance that the judge won't grant Nathan sole custody, which would indeed be heartbreaking.

Keegan and I finally finished setting up my room and we decided to go in his room and restart Forrest Gump. That night I fell asleep to Keegan holding me and humming an unfamiliar tune to me, but I liked it.
I was going to love this boy, and give him my all.

That night was the first night in a long time that I
Slept without being stressed out.

Asher Angel as Keegan Barnnet
Chris Pratt As Nathan Parnell
Ricky Olsen as An infamous version of himself
Ciara Bravo As Madeline Brinks

Let me know what you guys think!!! I'll write soon. Thx again for 100 reads. Love you guys.



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