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-H.? What's up?
-Anything to be done tonight?
-Not really...why are u asking?
-I'd like you to come here about 9 p.m. for half an hour, maybe up to one.
-Anything very important?
-Yes. And rather urgent.
-Ok. I assume it cannot wait until I'm back...
-Not really.
-Ok so see ya.
-Yes lieutenant?
-I've got to ask you for something. Will you do sth for me?
-If it's not illegal then sure.
-Tim is coming over here around 9 pm. I don't want him to clock in. I want you to give him a visitor's pass.
-Sure- Paula looked carefully-
... and what shall I tell him?
-That it's a new procedure as he is officially on vacation
-What if he starts to ask me about it?
-Tell him to talk to me about it. And he won't. Ha hasn't had days off for so long that he will take it without hestitation.
-Ok. May I ask why?
-No. Not yet. And I'd like to keep it between you and me. Ok?
At 9.15 pm Speed appeared in the doorway. Late as always.
-Hi Speed. I knew you were coming so I prepared your pass. Here you are.
-Pass? I've brought my time card. Why...?
-New company policy. You're off for one more day. Ask Lt. Caine.
-Yeah yeah... Thanks.- He took the pass and entered the lab.
Meeting Eric he noticed his unusual behaviour.
-Delko, what's up? Too much job for ya?
-No, just something popped in. H.wanted you to wait in the interrogation room.
-Well....what a day...visitor's pass, interrogation room...have you prepared the handcuffs?-He chuckled.
Eric laughed but his eyes were avoiding him.
-No. Not yet. See you.
-Yeah. See you. - Entering the interrogation room he sat on the left,as always. Ten minutes later H and Delko entered with a file.
-Hello Speed. Can you please sit down on the right?-H. Asked.
-But....allright. What'sup?- He looked at Eric
Eric tried to avoid his eyes, but Speed saw guilt.
-H? Can you...
-Yes.- He pressed the button at the edge of the table.
-I'm beginning the questioning of Timothy James Speedle according to case no.22321. Leading CSI- Eric Delko.
-What the hell???- Speed stood up. -What's going on??!???!
-Sit down. Please.  We have forensic evidence that you might have been at the scene of crime.
-What?- Speed sat down shocked
What crime??
-The body of a girl was found yesterday. There is trace evidence you could have dealt with it in a way. Therefore I must ask you about your whereabouts on Saturday/Sunday night.
-Whoa...wait a minute. What are you talking about? H? Come on!!! Eric? What's going on?
-I must remind you that the questioning is being recorded.
-Yeah... I see. But what is this? Am I being charged or what?? What charges are you pressing on me?
-775 and 782.
-What??!? Seriously?- Speed laughed nervously - I'm suspected of rape? And murder???? Stop the recording. Stop it.
-I can't and you know that. We just want to ask few questions.
-Oh...let me know what I'm suspected of. What girl?
-We haven't identified the body yet. But there is forensic evidence..
-..what evidence??!? I've got the right to know.
- your semen. You had a sexual relation with a victim.
-But...when? How? -Speed looked disorientated.
-We assume Saturday/Sunday night.
-Where were you then Tim? Horatio asked gently. He never called him that way.
-I ...don't remember right now. I need to think about it. I need time.
-You're sure you can't remember?
-Yeah. Not in the moment. I'm fucking shocked.
-Ok. Then we need to keep you here for an hour. If there is no answer in an hour, we will have to keep you here for another 23.
-Are you mad H? I'm not a rapist and surely not a murderer...!
H. Nodded and left without a word.
-Eric! You think I could have done it?!!?
-No. But my opinion is unimportant. That's the procedure. And we must follow it. Please Speedle, try to remind where you were..
Then he left too.

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