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-Where the hell are you ?????!?
-Easy Calleigh...went for a bike ride. Needed to clear my mind.
-I told you not to leave...
-I'm not a prisoner. Nor a baby.
Remember? I'm 28.
-Don't be sarcastic on me Tim Speedle! It's for your safety.
-Oh come on Cal...I can take care of myself. Really. Even if there was any danger
-We need to talk. I'll be home in 20 mins. Can you wait?
Calleigh stormed into her kitchen 20 mins later. Speed was making lunch.
-Will you eat sth?
-Like what?
-Toasts with veggies and mayonnaise?
-Yeah. Thanks. She sat and took one. - we need to talk. We know the identity of the girl.
-Mary Conlan. Rings a bell?
-Nothing rings a bell Calleigh. I already told you.
-She's pretty young.... -Speed frowned- meaning?
-16 and 9.
-What??? - He let his sandwich go.- Cal...it's impossible. It's a child.... I'd never hurt a child. You know.
-She didn't look like one but the birth certificate doesn't lie.
-I know. Jesus...what now?
-Her father identified her. He's very angry, he demands arrest.
We cannot locate this other guy. Father found out somehow that law enforcement officer was questioned in this case. He threatens to find you as we apparently "seem to cover one of our own... " Horatio had a very unpleasant conversation with chief Marks. He also suggested not letting you out too much. For your own and lab's good.
-Great. Cal...I will lose my job.
Not mentioning imprisonment. Right?
-What do you want me to tell you? I don't know. But I guess you must think of it, yeah. I hope only of losing a job.
Speed stopped eating.
-I will be treaten as a sexual offender. Child's sexual offender.
God...I'd rather die than hear it from anybody's mouth.
-We're still analyzing the recordings. Tyler got all of them, also the private cellular photos. Lot's of people were there.
-I know. It's strange I don't remember anything.
-No. I lost my appetite.
-I understand.- She stood up and hug him from behind. Everything will be fine. You'll see.
He turned his head. -Do you still want me here? Now, when you know everything?
-I don't know everything yet. And yes- I want you. I mean - here. As long as you need to.
He got up. She laid her head on his chest. There was this Gio scent again. She kissed him gently.
- Calleigh....- he stopped it and  took some hair from her face- I wish I could turn back the time. But I can't. I'm considered a potential criminal. I had sex with the minor - consciously or not- without any precautions. I cannot do it with you. It's not safe anymore.
She looked at him. -I wish we never ended the thing between us. If we had still been dating, none of this would  have happened.
-It's only my fault. Not yours. -
- Don't you dare think like that. He kissed her cheek.
The phone ringing made both of them jump.
-Yes Horatio?- Calleigh asked.- What??!? When?? Is it before the estimated T.O.D. ? Uh-huh..... Yes. He's here. When? Ok. We're coming. Straight away. See you there.
-What happened?-Speed looked at her with more concern than before.
-Let's go to the labs. Tyler found this guy-Ramirez- on one of the recordings from a private cell. He put sth into your glass.If it was rohypnol or any similar substance, then as you know, we've almost out of time to check it and prove you're not guilty Hurry up.
He got up and they left in a hurry.

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