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-Come on, eat sth. -Eric was trying to be nice but he was pretty angry. -Your not eating thing makes me crazy. How are You supposed to survive all This shit?
-I'm fine, daddy
-You're being rude boy -Eric said and they both just laughed. Eric finally got serious and said- I Hope everything turns out fine Speed
-Yeah me to. I'm scared Eric. As hell. As I've never been in my life.
-I know. I need to go. Call the lab or take the data yourself.
-I will.
Going to hospital to collect IT was the Worst thing in his life. He thought everyone was looking at him with the feeling of seeing a child's offender, which was ofcourse not true- nobody knew IT, he was just another client. But IT didn't help though.
Took the envelope out and sat on a bench in the sun. Wondered What will change in his life when he will know the answer. After 10 minutes of hestitation he finally managed to do IT. Run quickly thru and realized that he needs immediate dose of antibiotics for the one 'thing' he actually got from the girl, but no trace of HIV, Which was to be confirmed after few months to be Sure.
He sighed and went to the morgue.
-Yeah, you're lucky- Alexx said looking at the data. -I'll prescribe You something.
-Thanks. Appreciate This.
After that he went back to his place to get some fresh clothes. He actually didn't know What to do with himself.
-EVE? Hi it's me. I hate recording myself on the phone, but I just wanted to tell You I'm clean. Or clean of the Worst things. I Hope you're fine. If you had some spare time let me know. Bye
He sat heavily and sighed. Yeah. IT could have been worse. He took some of his things and left the room. Arriving at Calleigh's empty apartament he decided he should do sth to thank her for the hospitality. When she came back there was hot dinner for her and a bottle of wine.
-Why...why is that?
-To thank You, Cal. For your support.
-No problem Tim. I know Eric and Horatio stand by You too. They just need to keep IT professional. How's the examination?
-IT Turned out fine. I'm ok. Just some antibiotics to be sure. Why?
-No reason. I was at the morgue today. The girl was still a teen
-Cal...I know...I..
-No, Tim. I realized she looked much older with these clothes and makeup, but IT Is clear to me that a really young person can leave without a trace and live an adult life, earn money like This... It's awful,
-Cal- Speed bowed his head -I know all of This. Really. Been there myself.
-I know Tim but You didn't know she's ... Oh, You mean when You left your home? Gone missing?
-Did You...
-No. I don't know. Really. -He looked at her. -Maybe. I survived IT after all.
-How did You manage to remain yourself in that situation?
-Drugs.- Speed Simply said.
-Really???- Calleigh opened her mouth in amazement. -You used drugs?
-Yeah. Everyone did. That helped me survive. When You dope You don't need to eat, drink... Even sleeping in nasty places isn't that bad. You just Hope to survive the day. I was very young then
-How did You get the money?
-Well, sometimes got some from others, or earned a bit... Stealing little things.
-Did You ever...
-I don't know. Being high means You sometimes don't know What you're doing. It's better.
-Yeah. -She was visibly shocked.
-Are You disgusted with me?
-No. But I still cannot put IT all together. It's unbelievable...What was IT? I mean the drugs.
-Medicines, especially of restricted usage. Meth.
-Argh...How did You turn to the right Path?
-David's uncle.
-I know. But How?
-Being completely down and in Miami I knocked on his door one day. If he hadn't seen a lost boy instead of dirty junkie then, I wouldn't have been here talking to You. Now- eat.
-Yes sir- she smiled. It's good!
-I know. -He smiled too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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