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-And? Horatio entered an hour later
Speed was visibly angry.
-Can we talk before you turn on the official recording?
H. looked closely at him.
-Yeah. But at least I need to record it on my own voice recorder ok?
-Fine. Thanks.  -He took a breath -I DON'T remember much H. Really. I was at the party at 'Moon' pub, but surely got really drunk. I know someone dropped me home...I don't remember who. I don't remember much being with a girl.... I know, you don't have to tell me - he saw H shaking his head in disaproval- but H...for god's sake...I couldn't murder anybody...or rape...please.
-Speed, all we need to do is keep to the facts. I asked you here at that hour to question you according the law without unnecessary witnesses. That's all I could do. Eric wanted to back off, it's hard for us too. Nobody else knows yet.
-No. Not yet. We 'd like you to explain everything to move on.
-Can you tell me more about tge girl?
-Yeah. That I can do. He took the file out and opened it. Then he showed Speed the pic
Speed looked horrified.
-But she's....
-Very young? Yeah. She is.
-Is she over....? Speed got pale as he understood that whatever happened next could be just adding a charge to a sexual offence of a minor.
-We don't know. Do you recognize her?
-No... H. I know proofs don't lie, but I DON'T REMEMBER her. NOT mentioning doing all the stuff of course.
-Ok. Ready to tell that all for the recording?
-I'll call Eric.
Eric entered and stood by the window. Said no word to Speed nor H. and felt very unconfortable.
H. started recording.
-Ok. What can you tell me about the girl? H. Put the photo on the table.
-I don't know her. Nor remember any sexual act with her.
-Do you remember the place?
-Yes. Night from Saturday to Sunday I was at the party at 'Moon' pub. I came back home on Sunday morning.
-Who took you there?
-I don't remember. Maybe on the cctv...
-We'll check it. Were you drunk?
-How much did you drink?
-I don't know... A lot, I think.
-Any other substances?
-Were you ever violent after alcohol usage?
-No.Never. I don't drink too often.
-Ok. Eric?
-Erm.... Yeah?
-Yeah. Do you happen to know man called Diego Ramirez?
Speed looked at Eric and frowned.
-No. I don't think so. Could I see the pic?
-Eric took it out from the file. There was a tall Latino.
-No. I don't think so.... Why?
-He's also appeared in the investigation.
-Oh... Who is he?
-Also a suspect. We're looking for him. Ok. Is there a person who could see you?
-Yeah, a bartender maybe.
-We'll check. What were you wearing that night?
-Um....jeans and shirt probably, or a Tshirt.
-Where are these clothes now.?
-I don't remember. Probably in a laundry chest in my room.
-We'll get the warrant to get it.
-You don't need to. Eric can go there and pick them up. Just check which one.
-Ok.Eric- CCTV then.
-Sure thing H. - He left.
-Until he comes back with the clothes you must remain here, understood?
-Need any help,Eric? Tyler looked at him cleaning his desk.
-Hi Tyler. No I'll manage. Go home.
Then in complete silence he put a videotape into the machine. There was a huge amount of people there.  How am I supposed to catch Speed here???
He set the vision to the bar window. It wasn't really difficult to see Speed sitting there. Next to the victim , sharing a drink.
/Clothes, Delko...concentrate on clothes.../Old blue jeans and blue shirt. And T-shirt underneath. White.
He stopped the recording, took Speed's keys and rushed to his apartment.

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