Part 3 mom phineas and ferb are fucking in the backyard

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One peaceful day of summer. Phineas wakes up with a weird craving. He wants to fuck ferb. He brushes the feeling off then goes to get dressed and sees ferb getting dressed and and the feelings come back to him. Phineas thinks he is mind  is playing tricks with him Then he sees ferb smiling at Him and asking him what he looking at? Phineas just said what was on his mind . He said you . Then they both went Down to eat something. Phineas and ferb get out side . Phineas: ferb I know what we are going to do today I have been wanting to do this for a long time we are making a sex machine. Since this was both their first time the machine talked them through the steps until they got it right and they turned it off and didn't it on there own. They still weren't perfect at it but it was a good attempt for them. They had a wonderful time  alone . Ferb even gave Phineas a blow job. some one decided to join  the fun they were having. This changed the whole plain.
I : Hey Phineas whatcha doing ? p :hey issy making a sex machine and then trying out some things with ferb on own. I : cool , I am in. And they all had a great time until Candace came to bust them . Boy was she shocked to see her brothers not only jacking ether off and naked in their back yard but  with Isabella who was naked as well. She was scared that Phineas  might get Isabella pregnant. So she decided to tell mom. Some  random red light hit the back yard and blinded Her mom so she didn't see what Phineas and ferb were up to .  Suddenly it starts to rain . So no one could see anything. Then it stoped raining when the light was gone. Candace got defeated and Phineas and ferb had a great day. P: Next. Time lets build a mischine that vibrates every time we Fuck. F: they got those already . P: So we will make them bigger then they are and stronger. F: Ok Phineas I : you guys have fun with that . I am heading out . Bye Isabella. I ; Bye Phineas call me.     She smiles at him. P; Well do Isabella. He smiles back at her .   She heads out the backyard.    When Issy is out of sight .  Phineas says this Hey Ferb look there's perry.
Where have you been all day boy? He picks him up and carry's him into the house. They walk in to the house together. Then Candce stops them when they get in . Phineas was angry that she stopped him. They were going to eat some snacks but Candce refused to move stubborn girl move thought Phineas .. but he was to nice to say that . Instead he said sis please move out the way. But she still blocked the way. She would not let them in before talking about what she witnessed today whet she walked to  bust them.  Candce said that she was grossed out by the boy's behavior today . Ferb said she was overthinking this and that is not as gross as she thinks . Phineas try's to tell her that that ferb was the one who started it . Candce is angry that he did fuck ferb in public. But instead of Phineas saying to Candce that he wanted it. He says that ferb said it was time to do it outside. ferb is angry with phineas . He lash's out and says enough Phineas .. Phineas is shocked ferb yelled at him . He tells Candce the conversation is over and not to bring this up ever again . Candce says she was only considered about them and didn't want them getting hurt and then goes up stairs to call her boyfriend. In the family room , Phineas and ferb are talking. They are seating on the sofa .   Phineas going on and on about how hurt he was by Candce. He was was also ranting about Isabella being clingy.   Phineas needs to stop telling people what we do on our own time, He blabbered on to Candce about them .  Ferb was  not to pleased. he really needs to be quit at times . The boy talks to much. ferb says this in his head but Phineas gets the message stops taking and runs up stairs with tears in eyes. How could ferb think that he talked to much. After all he done for ferb he yells at him and after last night he thought things were going to be finally ok in his life . But now he was sure ferb hated him and he would not be able to have sex with him ever again . Not that he wanted to do it again with him he was just curious if ferb was going to try do it again. Unfortunately Phineas looked the door and ferb was locked out of his room
He knocked on the door . Who is it is . It's me Phineas bro open the door I want to say sorry for what I did. Phineas opens the door . Ferb walks in looking a bit upset about everything. Phineas try's to read his expression on his face. Trying to see his if  he knows what ferb would say like he normally did . Things seemed normal for a bit as Phineas looks at ferb . But then he remembered him yelling at him and gets angry again . He wishes he could read FerbS mind so he doesn't have to hear ferbs voice. He is still angry and hurt that ferb yelled at him . I am sorry ferb I cant read your mind ferb you got to tell what's going on and why you yelled at me . F: sorry I lost it with you earlier . Phineas I thought you were going to blow the whole thing for us by telling Candce. . Phineas ; is that why yelled at me ? ferb I don't understand you some times. With that Phineas goes down stairs Frustrated that ferb isn't listening to him,. He decides to throw a chair at the wall . His brother hears us and comes down to see what's going on. But by the time he comes in Phineas is gone.. c; what happen to Phineas? F : I got no clue.  P: I made hole the wall because you ferb .  F: ok I am sorry I got you mad.   P: fine I forgive you for yelling at me yesterday . They both hug.

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now