Phineas and isabellas first date

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Phineas woke with this song in head he didn't know where it came from.   He started singing in the shower.  Some time alone with a certain someone I adore.  Doesn't have to be formal or fancy . The sing made him realize that He should out with Isabella. I doubt she likes me though we are best friends. No way she likes me that way. Plus She is too pretty for me . I got no shot with her but should even bother asking her out is it worth potentially ruining our friendship ? It's is worth the risk. I should definitely ask her out soon.  Um what was that song that I was singing before . He was talking out loud to him self in the shower .  He was still thinking about Isabella and the song  when he got out the shower . He quickly  runs to his room to get dressed then goes to brush his teeth with ferb. Ferb doesn't relize his brother joined him yet ti brush his teeth. Ferb starts singing a song that stuck in his head. I wanted you to see me but for so long you blind. Ferb was hoping Phineas was still in the shower and didn't her him sing . He goes back to brushing his acting like nothing happened. And sees his brother standing next him .    Phineas heard me singing . He looked at his brother . Phineas has dropped his tooth brush from the shock for hearing ferb sing .   He quickly picks up  and gives Ferb a smile .  Good job ferb . Thanks Phineas didn't even know you were out of the shower already.  Ferb still thinks that Phineas doesn't know the song he heard.  But he was wrong. Phineas remembers the song that ferb is singing .  Ferb Is a called what might have been. The song you were singing.  I can't believe you thought I didn't know that. I sang that with Isabella before we left to college. How do you know that song ferb?  Phineas you sing it a lot that's why I know it.  This just proves my point made I should have asked her out at college but was scared to . Now we both graduated and I still am not over the fact I love her and have not asked her out . I know she likes me too but we only have hang out in my room at college to watch a  movie and thst was not really a date because. Or was was it ? I i think it was just a friend thing not been on a real date with her yet.  Still thinking about Isabella and the songs he heard today . He remembers  the song he was singing in the shower and the song ferb was singing  was both sung by Isabella. She the first one was sang by her to him on her birthday years ago when they were younger.  Like probably when they were 10.  He had no clue why he was singing it after all theses years or why he remembers the the song still. All this thinking about Isabella makes him want to see her-again. He asntbseen much of her since they graduated.He wonders if she wants to eat dinner with him. ferb was. Hoping that Phineas doesn't think it odd he was singing the song . Phineas was hoping ferb didn't her him thinking about Isabella in the shower and singing a song she sang to him on her birthday.
After Phineas is done brushing his teeth. Ferb goes to find him,. He wants to tell Phineas to he was singing  a song he knows before in the shower. But he didn't find him. He definitely has to look for Phineas more . He can't find him still . He finds it odd that there is no note telling him where he went .  Phineas normally tells him where he is going . Since he didn't this time  it must have been something he forgot do yesterday. he probably went to Isabellas to tell her something he have to ask her something yesterday and forgot to . He remembers Phineas being upset he didn't have time tell her something important. So he guessed Phineas was doing that no . O well he will be back soon he goes down stars and watchs some tv .  I should ask Phineas later what's up with him:amd Isabella they been acting odd lately.  As ferb assumed Phineas was Ruing to Isabellas t tell her something but  ferb had no clue what was becuse Phineas never told what was. He hasn't told anyone this yet but he loves iIsabella Isabellas and was goi g to tell her now how he feels they should date . He ran to issy s place to avoid seeing ferb and having to talk to him about his thoughts. He know ferb was going to try to gesswhat he was thinking about sooner or later . He rather deal with is brother later .  Phineas spent the day away from ferb.  He spent the day with Isabella watching  her put patches on her uniform at her place and helping her bake cookies. By the end of the day Phineas  went home and  decided to talk to ferb about his feelings he have been feeling lately every time he heard Isabella say watching doing he couldn't help but think how cute she was. He keep starting thank he was losing his mind to like Isabella. He knew he liked her because every time he saw her he felt nervous that she would catch him starting at her . He had to find out is she liked him back or just kisses him to mess with him .  At this point they were just friends but he wanted more . Ferb Gave Phineas clues  he needed he knew Isabella wanted hiim still she didn't give up on him after all those years of him ignoring her . Ferb told Phineas to ask her out soon . She waited long enough to have him  confess and kiss her. But no date . He decided today was the he would ask her out and tell her his feelings again . She said yes and they went to a movie together and ate dinner before it at a nice restaurant. They saw a romantic movie 'it was  issabellas movie choice .  He surprised her with the restaurant Place . They have been there once but never together as a couple .  The couple ordered the same food witsch was pennie with red sauce and the same drink which was sprite.  During the movie Phineas put his arm around Isabella . They made out in the theater as well. They also shared a popcorn and drink .   They ended up having extra popcorn and extra soda as well. They they fiinished going to the bathroom then Phineas drove Isabella and home. He also drove her there and paid for her ticket. He even made sure she was enjoying the movie. And checked in on her every few mins . Over all they had a good time. They liked the movie and  they even plained to have a second date soon. Ferb was right Phineas thought Isabella did like him and loved the alone time they had . I love you Phineas Isabella said as she hopped out the car. I love you too Phineas said and kissed her and held Nigeria door fir her. He walked her out of the car, Phineas thank you for taking me out tonight. Your welcome Isabella. Do you want be my girlfriend Isabella? Does this answer your question Phineas ? she kisses him .  Yes it does Isabella I am taking that as a yes , see you Tom. Isabella, we should  do this again soon . I agree Phineas see you Tom . Love you boyfriend love you too girlfriend.  They hug one last time then Hines drives away waving Isabella. Bye Phineas she says as she waves back at him and smiles and walks into her house . Her mom was waiting to her bout the date .  Phineas got home to have ferb waiting to here how it went. They spoke about how they were going to go on another date soon.   Phineas prepared to tell his sister parents the same news. They were all happy for them . Phineas even got a hug from his sister. That never happens . It felt good to have her hug him . They all went to bed after dinner . At bed time Phineas got an idea, ferb I know what we're going tondo Tom. It will be a surprise for isbella for waiting fir me all these years. Well i was thinking creating fireworks and writing her name in the sky . O think she will love it Phineas . Thank you ferb. Good night. Night Phineas .love you Phineas . Love you to ferb . Sleep well . You too Phineas . After that Phineas passed out right away and so did ferb.

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