Isbella and phineas get married and phineas builds a surpise for thier mom

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F; So bro today is your big day. Are you excited? Ferb didn't have to ask his brother this , he knews Phineas is excited. P: Yes , I have been spending hours picking out the right outfit to wear. I found one. It is a black tuxedo. It is the same one he wore to ants wedding earlier in the summer. Isabella wanted to get married earlier than Phineas expected so he had had no time to buy a new outfit for tonight and ferb was reusing his outfit from thst wedding as well. Ferb was the best man and was helping his brother get ready for tonight. Isabella picked out a nice restaurant to have the wedding party at . They were going to get married at phiness church even though Isabella is Jewish her mom seemed to approve them doing it there . Isabella was out shopping with Candce for a wedding dress , she has been dreaming of this day since she was a kid . Now the day finally will happen. She nearly fainted when phiness asked her to marry him a few days ago. She didn't want to waste anther second with out him by her side . They finally got Issy a dress. It was a nice dress with a vail on it . The fire-sight girls were decorating the church for the wedding with red and pink streamers . Since that was phiness and Isabellas favorite colors . They put up red streamers at each table at the restaurant,. Isabella said the theme for party was a night in Paris, so they had Paris pictures at the table as well. There was a photo booth there too , After all the girls decorated both the church and the restaurant. They waited for Isabella and Phineas to come so the ceremony could start, Phineass parents were early to arrive the ceremony and so were Buferd and Balljett since Buferd was in charge of the food station at party he chose what foods he thought Issy and  Phineas would like. Balljett came early to seat up the plates and napkins at the tables. Jeremy came early since he was playing at the party . He has his guitar with him and finds Candce and seats with her . Isabellas mom comes and joins Phineas and ferbs parents. As Phineas was getting dressed for his big night he was wondering if he was moving to fast with Isabella , but ferb told him no . Hey Phineas . F. You got a few more minutes before you get married. You ready? P : no I am not feeling to great , feel like puking. I am really nervous about tonight ferb . What . If I am making a big mistake doing this? I don't think I am ready to take such a big step in my life. I changed my mind I don't want to get married any more. Can just me single and stay home with you ?  F: Phineas I didn't think stay home with me is option.  You got a wedding to attend and so do I and the rest of the family . There is really is no way of  not getting  married today , sorry phin , I love you and love spending time with you but  you made a commitment t get married today . I will be ok with you around don't worry about me I can handle things at home. I will miss you seeing around the house bro .  But this not about me this about you and your big day .  I know you want marry Issy.  I also know those are just your nerves getting to you . It's normal to get nervous on your wedding day phin. You got this . I want you to take good look in the mirror and tell me what you see. P: I see having a panic attack in the middle of the wedding , I see me tripping over my words when we say our vows, Phineas starts crying since his freaking out about everything and is overwhelmed with emotions. F: dont be so hard on your self. You can do this no matter how nervous you are . Pull your self together . And wash your face with water don't want you looking like you been crying in all your wedding pictures. P: ok, let's do this ferb .  He runs to wash his face in the bathroom . He comes back shortly after words to the dressing room where ferb is waiting for him .  I am so nervous my stomach hurts . F:; it will be ok phiness .    P : you right I got nothing  to be nervous about. I just got take a deep breath  and  it will all work out fine in the end . With that he smiles at ferb and coms his hair one last time before heading out the dressing room. F ; there that optimistic simile I love . Can't believe your getting married to Issy. After all these years , you finally get she loves you . P; yes I am not  oblivious like I use be . Things have changed fir the better for me and Issy. I don't think I would have ever thought about making a move on her if it wasn't for you telling me to ask her out .  F; well that's whst I am here for to help you out when you need it .  F  p; thank you . For everything ferb . He hugs him.  F ; he hugs him back . No need to thank me this was all your doing Phineas.  P ; don't be silly . I can't take full credit for this marriage idea, it was a choice me and Issy made together .  F ; weLl I am just happy to be here on your big day .  P; well I am glad your here too. Could not have had a better person to be my best man because you know me better then anyone else.  F; that's true . It's a honer to be your best man today and your brother as well.  Good luck today.   I believe you can do this and in no time the wedding will be over.  P ; thank you . I needed you to say those encouraging words .  To make me feel more confident today .   F; no problem. That's whst I am here for to cheer you up on your important day
Wow your going to married before me . How crazy is that ?   P; definitely it is crazy . I thought you would marry before  me .  F: lol . True . But unfortunately you found love before me .     P; nonsense ferb you got Vanessa . You liked her longer than I liked Issy.  F; true. But enough about me let's focus on you today.       P; ok . He gives him a famous Phineas smile . His smile lights up the room and ferb can't help but smile back at him . 

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now