Phineas and ferb talent show

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We start the storty with an alarm ringing  , Phineas stops  it . hey ferb is time to get up ( Throws a pillow )
Ferb  ,: he gets up
Phineas :  lets eat some food . I got something extremely exciting for us to do with our friends.
Ferb , grabs bowels of cereals  for them 
They finish eating and head outside.  Seat under the tree in the backyard.
P; Hey ferb I was thinking about what we should do today . I wanted to write a song with you and  build a stage  to perform it . F: I think our friends might want a little talent show .
P;hum talent show. I was thinking of having the best talent show ever . Let's put this poster for the show right here in front of the house so people see it . Ferb : puts up the poster . P: ferb I know what we going to do today. We are going to build a stage at the park . So everyone in Danville can see the show we put on. By the way the poster looks great there . We should get a lot of people wanting to sign up .
I: hey Phineas I heard your doing a talent show .   Where do I sign up?
Phineas ; Right here  he pulls out a sheet of paper. Write your name and act here . Then your signed up,    Ferb and I are building a stage at the park soon , the show will be there .

I, : ok , she writes her name and writes singing  let it snow and walks over to hand the paper back to Phineas  who was working on a song with Ferb under their tree.

Phineas , the   Song so far goes  like this ,   (The song. To the tune of Jonas Brothers. Like is Christmas: if you don't know the song then listen to it before you read the next part of story. ) The song starts like this You make  very day feel likes Christmas .    I can't deny all the feeling I have inside .   ..
  I, Pretty good Phineas . She gives him back the paper.
Phineas- thanks it's original I am working to sing it in the talent show . Ferb is doing back up for me .
I : ok . That's cool . She looks sad. That Phineas is not writing a song for her . She walks slowly to the gate door . She sighs . And says in her head. O Phineas why don't you notice me . I am trying so hard . She looks back at Phineas as she heads out . He so cute. . And I just want to kiss him if only he was mine . Don't give up Isabella he will notice you one day . She smiles. Before leaving the yard out loud she. says good luck boys . See you later . And waves bye to them and walks out
P- bye Isabella. And thanks for the compliment .  now where were we . He strums his guitar . I think the rest should be like somthing like this .  Somthing  about you  those eyes keeps me alive . You  make every day feel like is Christmas. Yes you do,   O yes let's add a  Guitar solo here . Here to , let's spread some holiday cheer . Let's not drink beer .   I think this my favorite time of the year. End the song here .
Ferb,  ok that's a hit bro. 
Phineas, good lets the show started

Irving,  hello fellow friends and family  welcome to the Phineas amd ferb  talent show .
    First up we got buferd
Buferd ,,   Hey guys  how are all.    The crowd yells at him that they are good. Buferd; smiles at them. I am going do some comedy for you all tonight.  what do you call a paper   That's black and white  and read red all over ?  Yes you sir in the lab coat  what the answer. ,    Guy ; got no clue.   Girl : dad your embarrassing me the answer is simple .   Buferd, who else thinks they know it. Yes balljett.   Balljett-  news paper.     He joins buferd on the stage , I got one more joke for you . Buferd- good  i am off for the night good by Danville   . Balljett why did the chicken cross the road to get to the other side , and no body's laughing at my joke . He leaves sadly off the stage and goes backstage to sulk some more about how no one liked his joke .

Irving ; lets here it for Buford.  People boo him because he is a bully others clap for his act .   Ginger: Lets here it for balljett ,  the crowd Cheers for him .  Hum wonder where he went off too. Irving ; next we have , Isabella singing let it snow  the stage lights shine on Isabella
I.  She smiles and waves at her mom . Then she  starts the song ,  the weather outside is frightful and the fire is delightful and since we have no place to let snow let snow let snow .  She  spins in a circle and continues singing.   It doesn't show signs of stopping and I got some corn for popping the lights are turned way down low  let snow let snow .   When we finally kiss good night . How I hate going out in the storm . She grabs a scarf and raps it around her neck.  But if you hold me tight all the way home  I'll  be warm.  All though the fire is slowing dying and my dear we're still goodbying  but as long as you love me so let snow let snow let snow . Thank you everyone have a good night .  It fake snows around her as she waves goodbye again , 
Irving , lets here it for Isabella  .  People clap for her. Up next  we got  Candce ;  singing queen of Mars,
She comes up , and starts singing , I was just a lonely girl looking for a little fun without a friend in the world I was forced to fine a new one now I am the queen of Mars she points to her self . I was miserable on earth it only took a magic portal mars it gave me some self worth. You put a crown on my head and you all seem to worship me . You don't understand a word I send yet you treat me like royalty. She bows and smiles as her parents take pictures of her. Ginger; let's here it for Candce, the crowd cheers
Irving : o yes finally my favorite act of the night . Phineas and ferb doing an original song they wrote .
Back stage ;
P,   He peeks out behind the curtains ferb  looks at the Crowd. . Ferb did you see the size of that crowd ? there is so many people out there tonight . F; Probably the whole town is watching the show Phineas . P; this makes Phineas's stomach do a flip up. He can feel the butterflies in his stomach. He got one hand on his stomach the other one was grabbing his heart . Ferb my heart is beating so fast right now . My stomach is killing me as well. I am not sure the crowd will like the song . I am nervous ferb . This is my first time singing an original in while . What if they hate it ?  I don't think i feel to good maybe I should give up and quit .
Ferb , they well  like it .  It's normal to be nervous when performing on stage . They call that stage fright . I think its messing with your head . I know you want sing onstage tonight don't let your nervous get to you . You got this Phineas. Ph; nope heading home . You can Sing by yourself you don't need me . The show must gone with or with out me . He starts to walk away but ferb stops him . f;You are kidding me right ? Your not going anywhere because your going on stage right now  Phineas ,  I will not let you quit because I know that your Phineas Flynn . You don't give up on things no matter how hard the task it  is . Nothing is impossible except impossibly it self . You told me that . I want you to take your own advice here and move forward and put on a smile on your face . Don't give up you can do this Phineas. Phineas; bro this is different this is not a invention we are building this is preforming on stage in front of people and I am not sure if I can do it. We haven't preformed a hit since Phineas and the ferb tones. What are the chances of them liking us still after all those years .? I don't think I want perform any more really think we should just build something else instead. I messed up this was a bad idea ferb. I am freaking out here ferb. I think we might have to end this show because I quit the show . F; No show with out you bro. P: well i gess none singing anything else tonight because I refuse to go onstage and face those people . They probably think buferd and balljett had a good act and  we don't have a shot at winning when Isabella stole the show already with her act . We might as well quit while we can. He starts hyperventilating. buferd : I hear negatively coming from Phineas. I: what ? Phineas not a quitter.  He will not lets us down he will be on stage soon . F: take a deep breath Phineas stop hyperventilating that's not going to make you feel better. Listen to me. You are going to perform well with me by your side tonight. You do the impossible every day and  today is no different. Get up off  the floor and go show that crowd  the show they came for .
P, He stops hyperventilating. I don't feel good  ferb,  I think  I am Gunna  through up.   With that  he throws up in front of Ferb. He is close to hitting his brother's shoes. p; sorry bro ,  f.  Its ok it didn't get me dirty you missed me by a few inches .  P, can you let me go home now that I threw up ?
Ferb,   you know the answer to that , it's still no .  Those are are just the nerves getting to you . Phineas you can do this I believe in you . You are going do fine out there  Phineas. 
Phineas, ok if you say so .   He takes a deep breath and walks onstage . Ferb follows him .

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now