Lets Runaway

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P:   It's like 6  and I am tired . My alarm wakes me up . I Couldn't sleep last night because of Candce being in the phone .  Ugh she does this every Night .she is so load .   Ferb gets up .    P : That's it. I had it  with her .  I need time away from Danville. The whole town is driving me crazy. Ferb is drinking late . Isabella is  crazy  and so is Buferd and balljett. I  need a vacation. I use to love it here at my house. I used to love my town  I don't like my home anymore. It's not the place it use to be it's not a happy town ., I hate my town . . There is always some trouble going on in the town , Its not as safe as it use to be , There are a lot of rubbers in my town. They are drunk people in the street and people smoking as well . The town is a crapy place to live . The park I loved as a kid . It is littered. With candy wrappers. There are streets  with pot holes in it . The town is falling apart . Yet my family still lives here amd so do my friends so I stuck here wishing my  life was simple like it was when I was younger .  People have changed in Danville and I don't think I fit in my friend group anymore .   Balljett is a professor , Buferd writes poetry and Isabella teaches fire site girls how to make tents.   Ferb is a mess these days and Candce is crazy as always.   I am done with everyone thinking I perfect, and holding high expectations of me .  I need to getAway from everone .  People are telling  me to help them with things when I have not thought of idea in in weeks . I am to tired to build and it's all candce s fult . I hate her .  Sometimes I think the world would be better off with out me .  I am just going go on walk .  To clear my thoughts. Maybe some fresh air will be good for me 
SoPhineas  goes on walk , but never comes . Back .
F; phiness where did you go ?  You gotta be kidding me ,   He finds a note that  phiness left .  O no he ranway again . Mom is going to kill me if I don't find him . O no , it's raining and Phineas is the only stupid one not to take a jacket.  Man some times I think phiness just choses  on purpose to be stupid. He is so smart but does things like forgetting to bring a umbrella when it rains . Ferb is searching everywhere for phiness . He looks in the woods no Phineas . Looks in mall no phiness . Finally he looks at the park.  He finds him  alone  in a bench.  He looks sad.   ferb runs over to him .he hands Phineas his unbrella
P; ferb ? whst are you doing here . He wipes his tears . He has been upset at him self for running away and  hurt by Candce who have been yelling at him for the past few days about Isabella and how he needs to spend more time with her .  Also ferb been drinking some alcohol lately and he was hoping he wasn't drink , Vanessa was the one person ferb loved and she gives him drinks , phiness was debuting weather or not to send ferb to rehab. It was bad . Phiness was also cutting himself because can't talk to ferb when he drunk unless he hurts him self and Candce doesn't care about it . And thier parents are clueless like  they normally are .  Ferb was annoyed with phiness running away instead of dealing with  the issues he had.  He knew phiness tried to kill him self the day before he ranaway. He found a noose the phiness built in his room . Ferb cut it down before coming to to see where his brother ran off too. It's been two days since phiness left the house . His mom was upset and wanted to call the police to look for phiness . His dad to told him to look for phiness and Candce was just crying in her room . So the family was a mess with out phiness and his friends were too. This is the second time phines ran away from home . the first time ferb found  him in a cave .   He had twisted ankle was upset . He thought ferb was never going to him . Ferb remembers rescuing phiness from the cave like it was yesterday. But was not  yesterday , it was years ago when they were 5. Now they were 10 and phiness was still running away to get away from Candce .
F; Phineas I had to find you , you didn't come back from the walk was worried about youI am glad you didn't take Isabella with  you this time .  I know  she wanted to leave her life behind just to be with you . What were you thinking running off  alone ?    Why did runaway again ?  Why did you  choose to leave the house  so early in morning in the first place?  What hell is wrong with you phiness ?  He is glaring at his brother .   This is like last time you ranaway all over again.  Phineas. Stops crying  he looks up at ferb and waits for him to finish  yelling at him .  He is not happy ferb is yelling at him and making big deal out this .   He seats with his arms crossed . He has had it with ferbs outbursts.   They were load and right in his face .    Ferb needed to back up and explain things to him . P; Honestly ferb  why are you yelling ? Stop it calm down. I didn't mean to make you upset . I am sorry.    You are confusing  me with your yelling  .  F ; well I expect you remember me  yelling at you the next time you try to runaway. : p : I thought we were done with the yelling .  F; sorry I yelled .  P; its fine . F; At least it wasn't a cave in the woods this time . He sits next to Phineas with a smile on his face .
P.     How do you remember that ? We were kids the last time I did this. Ugh are drunk ? That smile is creeping me out bro . Sorry I made you worry about me , I wasn't thinking .  I just knew I had to leave the house to get some air . I didn't want take Isabella . I'm wanted go alone both times . I did runaway this  time to get some peace and quiet since I can't sleep with Candce on the phone all the time .   I am ok now . He could smell the achoel on ferb. You can go now . He was not going home with a drunk ferb.
F,  no .   Please phiness here me out . I am not drinking any more . I smell like achoel because i  spelled something on me this moring thst vanessa wanted me to make for her . you are coming With me .   Right now  we are heading home . Come on Phineas get up .
P  no . you are a lier . I can smell your breath it smells like bud light .
F: it was one drink ., get over your self Phineas.  We got to go Phineas.  I don't have time for you to yell at me for drinking. 
P ; shut up ferb and let me talk .  You know I hate when you drink yet you did this behind my back .  you could have died . I would have never forgiven my self for that . He drops the razor he used to cut him self on the floor . Ferb sees it . The razor has blood on it .
F,What happen to your wrist ?
P; you know what happens when you drink . Don't be a fool . You know darn well what happen to me .
F; I thought you were done cuting your self phiness .
P; I thought you stoped drinking. Don't you understand how bad it is for you and how it effects the people around you . Why are you doing this ? Drnking is not good for you .  You should stop drinking.
F, I drink safely phin. I know my limits . maybe you don't know everything about me Phineas . Knock it off your yelling at me like Candce . Let's go Mom is making dinner soon .
P . Your worst than Candce . You betrayed me . I thought I could trust you . He sees ferb smiling at him and rolling his eyes at his words. P,  you think this some kind of joke ? Well it isn't. You better shower when we get home ,you reak .
F. :; lol ok . I am a little tipsy. 
P: I knew it .  I am not happy with you . He stabs his other wrist with a pencil he has.   He does this frustration . Both of his wrists were bleeding . He couldn't believe ferb was drinking stilll. He uses his pencil he brought with him to draw new ideas.   To ignore drunk ferb. But phiness gets  dragged home .  Unfortunately ferb Is drunk the  whole walk home. Phiness was not having it . But they got home and phiness cooled down a bit  and forgave him . 
The boys walk in the house all the lights are off. Phiness turns them. P ; Man there is a lot of stuff on the ground ferb . Looks like the whole house was turned upside down .   Suddenly they hear their friends voices . Welcome home . ,Isabella Balljett and Buferd pop out from behind the couch. They scare phiness and ferb with thier extremely loud voices.  Phineas and ferbs screams brings Candce down stairs see what happened.  Phineas explained it and she went off to tell her parents the boys were home.  Isabella hugs phiness . I , Welcome back .    Baljeet ,Thank you for coming back . He gives phiness a hug .   Buferd.  Yes dinner bell is back he hugs phiness .  P. Thank you .  it's good to be back  f, he hugs him it's good to have you back . I missed you .   It's not the same with out you around here .  P , , thank you ferb . I missed you to . Please send our friends home . mom wants to talk to me . F , ok
P , Hey mom you wanted to talk to me
Mom, : why are running away all the time
P, Candce treats me like  crap  and you guys think that I am making it up
M; well I can see why you ranaway all the time now . Sorry she treats you badly.
P, it's fine you can't change her .
F; that's true, well she definitely has some trust issues
P, I know she does . I hate when she yells at us
F , the worst part is she does listen to us when we tell to stop,
Mom, well I am not sure what is going on here  but Candce can't be doing those things.
P, I didn't expect you to understand anything .You think you know me mom . But you don't , if you did you would know how rude Candce  is to me all the time , I should have stayed at the park  . After all I was away from all you who don't listen to me . I don't regret leaving this house . He runs out crying . Ferb follows him ,  f ,  it's ok Phineas  p, , your right it is ok. Who  cares whst mom thinks ..  also Candce is a snitch.   F , you could say that agsin . They laugh
C , . Candce is still down stairs .  yelling at her parents  for no reason . , you guys never believe me . This family sucks  , s he runs off pissed and slams the door .
F , he hears his sisters out burst and comes in her room with phiness to tell her this .  it's a good family , unfortunately phiness and you are just misunderstood by mom and dad . They don't  understand how much Candce has hurt you phiness there for they think your crazy for running away .   They don't  understand your busting obsession so they think your crazy too Candce. But they love us and I am happy we are all home safe .
The kids are at the kitchen table  eating diners with the family,
C, true . why did mom have to make this toco for dinner ? My taco is gross  it . It tastes bad . Ewww thier is a hair on it .  Gross. I hate moms cooking.
P; he laughs at Candce .  That's probably your hair sis.   what are you talking about you haven't even touched your food yet ? Well I don't see how  you hate it .  I  know mom cooks well.  I bet mom will be  upset if you don't try the food .  I know you have to be hungry . I know I am. He takes a  big bite out of his taco.   He gets lettuce all over his plate .    Phiness is very messy eater and Candce is wondering what Isabella sees in him.  Ferb is also messy at eating .   There is tomato on Ferbs plate from his toco he is making. I don't understand how Vanessa likes him. She sees Ferb start eating and drops meat on his lap .   C: Eww . You are both sloppy eaters.    She points to her brothers. Ferb rolls his eyes in response to Candce. F; we are supposed to be messy eaters Candce. We wouldn't be true men if we ate neatly. Phineas laughs and spits lettuce everywhere since he was still eating when  Candce and ferb Made him laugh.     C: Phineas ! You made a mess. Your busted .  Mom phiness made a mess .  Mom; that's ok dear , he is a boy  he eats messy and he is cleaning it up .  stop being mean to your bother and eat your food . C: but I don't want this taco  f; I ll eat it .  C: no ferb you are eating one already you don't need mine .  F; eat yours or I will .  C ; is that threat ?
F; yes .  C; mom ferb threatened me .    M : be quiet  and eat Candce .  P:   Doesn't realize his  mom knows about the mess he made .  Opps better clean that up my mess before mom notices .  Ferb make sure you clean the meat offf the ground. Never mind looks like perry is eating it .  He seems to like the food.   F; He is eating like vacuum cleaner .   The. Boys laugh at Perry eating his food .    C: eww perry .   The boys  didn't forget about Candce  who still didn't eat anything .    P: you still got eat something sis.  See ferb and  I did .  I am making a second one it's so good . Phineas is worried for his sister who didn't touch her meal. C: nice try Phineas. But the food is not going to be touched by me any time soon .    P: please Candce try the food . C: no. P: your going to be hungry if you don't eat now . C: no . I refuse to eat this food . It smells like crap . P; Now Candce that was uncalled for . The food definitely doesn't smell like that . You should try eat something. Candce shakes her head . C; nope . Still not eating the food. f  : bro , She will eat if she wants to . you can't force her .   P; I know I just wish she would eat something. 
C; well maybe I don't want eat something.  i am simply not hungry, I rather just drink my water .  
F; . Candce come on, eat something. We know that's a lie .
P:we can hear  your stomach rumbling .  You can't ignore it . Go on and eat a toco . Ferb and I will make you it .
C: no I don't want you to make one for me . What you here is perry . he is hungry not me .
M ; Candce do you really expect us to believe your lies  ? Eat the food now .
C: like I said before I hate this family. Everything has gone worst in my life  since they showed up . They are really embracing . Her brothers  give Candce a hurt look .  They we're just trying to get Candce to eat . They weren't trying to be embarrassing.   They understand they aren't liked much by her  and makes phiness feels more alone in the family.  M: hey be nice to your brothers . And eat your food now .   Apologize to the boys right now .  C: yes mom.  Not hungry.  Sorry Phineas and ferb .  P ; ugh , I expected this from you. Ferb is the only one that cares about me .. I gess I forgive you sis .   Ferb ; the damage is done . You are forgiven but you still hurt Us Candce .   Phiness  stares at his plate , suddenly he is not that hungry . He gives the rest of his food to ferb who is still hungry.   Candces ignores phiness amd ferbs words amd her moms as well and points her finger   at her brothers . They ruin everything. They always get away with things I am sick of it .   P : Candce , mom said for you to knock it off already .   You never listen to any one theses days . I tell you how I  feel and you act like nothing happened. You are something else Candce. You disgust  me . You think you can be mean and getaway with  It . Well your wrong . You got to stop all this Candce .  C; well maybe I will stop When you stop building things . They are useless anyway. And it's not like your doing any one favors when you make racket outside with it . F; don't listen to her . Don't let her get to you .  We  both know she  likes our stuff we build . She is jealous of us since she can't build what we build .  P, ferb your right , and this is why I ran way because of you Candce .  C, well maybe you should have stayed away .   P, that's  a hurtful thing to stay Candce.   He has sad tone in is voice.
C, your right I am sorry .
P; it is ok sis .lets put all this aside and just have a good rest of the day ,
C: ok
They all finish dinner and head to bed .

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now