Two stores in one fanic .

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Phineas and ferb were outside earlier then normal this morning. They were in backyard this morning around 6 am . They were planning there day out now they were looking at blue prints . Phineas; You know when we were younger we used go to the park and play on the play ground . f; he nodes his head . What a fun times that was . P: agreed we had a great time . There were so many good memories there and bad ones too f: like the swings . Please tell me that story again that you said about the swings . The time you and Isabella got there before everyone else did because you guys raced each other to the park when we we were 4 . I don't remember the rest and would like to know it . But do remember you lost the race and you claiming after you lost it was the worst day ever.  But I really would like to know how the rest of the day was before that happen .   Also how bad could have it been you were with Isabella?   P.  I don't want talk about it.    With that he runs in to the house and shuts the door to their room .  He starts crying .  I can't tell ferb the story with out out breaking down like this in front of him Perry.   He grabs his pet and holds his  head , . What am I going to do ?  .    There is a knock on the door . It's ferb . Come on Phineas  let me in. .   He opens it sees Phineas was crying and he  sighs .  Phineas : you   know how you think that you can make talk to you about it but i will not.    F. O really ?  I am your brother you can tell me anything. I will not tell anyone . You can trust me . I bet you your  experience that day with Isabella couldn't have been  as bad as the time Candce slipped in mud in front her boyfriend  and all her friends Were there laughing or the time you slipped on some ice in front of Isabella and she laughed at you .  P; why did you have  bring that up bro ?    F: Ferb ignores phineas and keeps talking to him about the issue. Plus's we were little Phineas you shouldn't let what ever it that happened bother you anymore.  Don't be upset that I brought up the other thing because if that doesn't bother you anymore then why should this .  What's the deal with you Phineas .?   Phineas picks up perry and holds him again .   He looks at ferb . Then puts perry down again .   He sighs. 
You sure know how to bring my mood up bro .  Phineas says this sarcastically  as he rolls eyes at ferb .  He is clearly annoyed that he brought up the topic of him falling in front of Isabella .    You are are really not helping me feel better bro .  I don't have to tell you the story if I don't want to . Plus the story has some bad things from my past I rather not bring up again. So please stop bugging me about it .  F; please Phineas .  I want to hear it . all I am asking is  for one story then I will leave you alone about it the rest the day .    Plus I really want to hear the full story you never told me it .  You would always stop in the middle of it . Then not continue.   Also I am wondering what else happened to you that day to make you so upset . You barely spoke to me when we got back that day from the park  and you seemed out of it .   what you are hiding from me ?  Please Phineas  I want hear  rest of the story . p; Fine I will tell you it .  Now let me tell you how bad the rest of the day was first . I remember pushing issy on the swings and she fell off because I pushed to hard. I felt like I bad person. She was crying and saying how could you Phineas . She ran away from me tears in her eyes. Shouting as she ran and pointing her finger at me Phineas you hurt me . I can't believe it . I trusted you .   I chased after her . Screaming at her to slow down . She finally stopped . I caught up then said sorry . F: you refused to push anyone else after that thinking you would hurt them . P; phineas glares at ferb angry he brought that point up . He changes the topic to avoid dealing with ferb saying anything else embarrassing about the park. That's it ferb I know whst we are going to to do today , We are going to build a giant playground in the backyard. Candce wakes up looks outside sees the boys outside . C : They seem to be just seating under the tree not doing anything . so Candce took this time to call her boyfriend but he didn't pick up he was going to take her out tonight but didn't tell her when he was going to pick her up. She tried calling again but know she couldn't hear anything because Phineas and ferb were testing out tools in the backyard to see which ones would be the most useful for their project. She  opens up the window; she yells at them. Phineas and ferb be quiet . I am trying to use the phone . P: opps sorry we can't control the tools . C: I am watching you . She forgets about them then calls her boyfriend but Suzy picks up. She hangs up on her . c ; I am going to walk over there to talk to him. Out side. P: you tell me a story now. F ; Fine because we are wasting time waiting friends to come . I will tell you the story of how I met venssa. I was getting some blue prints at the store then she walked in said hey . I looked at her said my name was ferb . Told her she was pretty. She said thanks I am venssa and walked out her blue prints in her hands for her dad then . Smiled at me and said bye ferb it was nice meeting you . P: well I think you should have told her you loved her then . F: no that would be really stupid if I did . Why are our friends not here .
P; I don't know. Hey where's perry? Let's go start they will join . So they started . Time passed they still didn't see their friends, they were almost done with the invention when they herd a knock on the fence and income Isabella, what cha doing. P; you're late Isabella. We have already started our project is almost done. Why are you here now instead coming earlier like you do ever other day, F; ferb glares angry that she walked in while they were building. I; i'm sorry Phineas I lost track of time this morning. I set my alarm to wake up early. But then suddenly my alarm didn't ring. And then by the time it did go off. It was already later then I attended to be getting up. Sorry phineas . P; Isabella I am not happy you are late . You gotta be here on time to join in on the building. Giving you time-later to get a new alarm clock. Because yours is busted. Isabella; well just build me anew one . Phineas; are you are asking me and ferb to build you anew one when you can buy a new one . Issy I do get it this not done on purpose but I really think you should get your own alarm clock. Since ferb and I already started, building I don't think we got enough time to fix it today . Maybe we can fix it if we finish the project early today .  I; angry Isabella glares at Phineas and ferb and asks again for them to fix it, This time . Phineas goes back to building doesn't here her asking again amd ferb ignores her.   Buferd and baljeet walk in see Isabella sad and walk past her . They know Phineas did something to hurt her. They go to ask her what's wrong. Phineas is to busy building to notice that they walked in and Isabella is crying . She wants Phineas tohelp her choose a new alarm clock instead of being angry thst she is late. Buferd goes up to Phineas and tells him Isabella Is leaving the the yard. Phineas is not sure why she is leaving and just finishes up building . He then runs after Isabella .ferb told him why she was leaving. He goes to apologize to her. She is still sad. But is happy Phineas said sorry. She stays in the yard and the team start doing their activities for the day. Candce ; walks out side not amused with the scene she sees. She sees Isabella is sad and walks straight to Phineas amd yells in his face . How dare you hurt Isabella. You are are busted .  Wait until I tell mom you hurt her feelings and your busted to ferb for letting him do this in the first  place.  f: I tried to stop him but he would not listen to me . P; please Candce it is Isabellas fault why I was angry and hurt her. She should get in trouble not us .   She came late and I lost my temper and I apologized not sure why she is still crying. I feel so bad about this she will not stop crying Candce what should I do, C ; I say give her time to calm down.. Phineas ; Sighs he looks and upset still and walks to ferb who hugs him. He stares at Isabella longing wanting her to cheer up. He goes to her and asks her to help him finish building the playground. She smiles they build the rest together and he even fix's up the alarm her when they are done playing on the playground. It dissolves . But something else happens. The invention was gone but Phineas was still feeling sad about hurting Isabella so . He asks her out and they go to get ice cream. They love the date and Phineas still has in the back his head the image of Isabella crying and does not want to do that again to her . They walked home they held hands and Phineas even said he would do another date soon with that Isabella kisses him good bye on the cheek . He surprised her and does then same to her in return . They both blush and look at each other for second. P: sorry. I: no don't be. She smiles at him and goes in to her house. Yes she says as she walks in with a grin on her face . Phineas walks in to his house feeling bad enough he cheered up Isabella and kissed her . He should feel happy but instead he felt embarrassed he kissed her and upset he hurt her. He promised himself he would not hurt her any more . He smiles as ferb asks him how it went and he tells him about the kiss. He is still is bothered that she was upset because of him earlier and try's to sleep but can't . He ends up sleeping with ferb so he can actually get the image of upset Isabella out of his head . Phineas and ferb sleep together as Phineas can't sleep alone and needs ferb to conform him . They decided not to wake not so early Tom. They end up sleeping very quickly that night but Phineas gets up to get some water in the middle of the night and can't seem to fall back to sleep becomes he still has what Isabella said in his mind. He lays awake thinking about her. It takes him a while to sleep . He wakes up the next day tired because he spent most the night thinking about Isabella. His Feelings were the same as yesterday until they slowly changed to happy when he and ferb sees Isabella early in the yard waiting their  arrival. She has a big grin on her face and is waving at them. She is seating under the tree with a fireside book in her hand and  blue prints in the other . By her feet was the tool box . The boys smile and greet her . They work on their project until snack time.

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now