Phineas and ferb take perry to the vet and issy sleeps over.

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In the middle of night. Phineas gets a call . He picks it up . It is Isabella calling him . It's is very late he is not sure why he is getting this call. . She tells him she wants to have a sleep over with phineas since she cant sleep. Unfortunately Phineas was already half asleep and told her no. The boy didnt realize that she was going to come over any way. She came in her pink fuzzy pjs ready to have a sleep over with her crush. When she got to his house . He was not pleased to her. P: why are you here its 12: oo  am in the morning . I : told you I could not sleep.  may I come in .? P:  he unwillingly opens the door for her . Fine you can come in . He shuts the door behind her. Than has a little talk with her about her coming over. They are sitting on the couch and Phineas is glaring at Issy. I; i don't get why your mad . I asked you if I could come over. Thought you said yes P: what part of no dont you get . I told you no dont come over. The reason why i said this is becouse perry is sick . Ferb amd I have to take him to vet Tom,    I ; Opps sorry phineas . P; it's fine . Just stay the night since you are already here . I ; ok . Phineas was up all night thinking about perry. Ferb was unhappy that Isabella was there so late as well. He was about to sleep when she walked in followed by an angry Phineas . The next day Phineas was not in the best mood . The first reason was Issy kept him up last night..she wanted to play truth or dare . Why did she have to dare me kiss her. He thought to him self ., now ferb was running around the house with a picture of it in his camera. This not what Phineas wanted to do this morning at all . Ferb was refusing to delete the picture. Finally Isabella got the camera and deleted it . Phineas was still cranky since he had no sleep last night .  Finally the  boys when with their mom to get perry checked out . This was still in the morning. Phineas was eating a energy bar clearly still unhappy with ferb and Isabella,   phineas was grumpy  the whole visit .. the time they had to check out perry was not fun .  Ferb knew Phineas was angry that Isabella went over to there house last night., however he didn't mention this to any one .. He was not happy with Isabella either. He lost sleep last night becouse of her being there . She was crying at one point because Phineas was not listening to her . She woke ferb up to get help from him. But all he did was throw pillow at her and tell her to go to bed.  So they were both tired . They almost fell asleep waiting for perry and mom to come back from doctor room .  This was well after phineas was done eating and complaining about Isabella and how ferb should not take pictures of them . Let's say it was a long rant he had before he passed out in the chair . They were in the waiting room since were not allowed to go in the room .  the doctor thought they could not handle what was going with perry .  They were forced to stay in the waiting room waiting for the results of why perry was not feeling good. In the doctors room the boys over heard they mom say that's impossible perry cant have that . The nurse said anything is possible mrs Flynn fletcher .  The only thing that is impossible is impossibly it self.  After  hearing this Phineas  wakes up . He smiles some ones thinking like me . I hope that nurse knows what she talking about . Ferb lets  go pay perry a visit . They went to do this not realizing they should not be alone in hall ways .  They got to perry safely. They found perry sleeping on the doctors bed. They were not supposed to vist him but they did anyway . Their mom told them that perry had a stomach virus. He had to stay the night there. The next day Theywent to see what was wrong with perry. The nurse told them that Perry was not eating last night . The reason for this was he didn't seem to like the food there . So they took him home to feed him and he ate there. Than the boys  went to do there daily stuff outside with thier friends. They built a mind reader machine . It was able read everyone's thoughts so Phineas found out about Isabella liking him . This happen so sudden that [phines had no time react to it because Isabella gave him a kiss. She was waiting to hear what he says. He told her this Isabella i do love you very much but we are to young to date . Let's be friends for now I promise you in 10 years we can date . I : i will hold you to your promise Phineas. She waited years passed by no phineas liking her back . Only friend zone . Then finally she realized they were never to young to date and asked him out . He realized she did wait long enough and agreed to date her. Than perry come in the back yard his stomach was not doing well still . It's beeen ten years and he still has stomach problems. So the doctor put him on some medicine that seem to work . P:Well  perry might be sick ferb but everyone is safe here in Danville, F: thats true . things could get better in the rest of world soon. P: it definitely can . I: that is if we got people who lesson to law.  F; Someone always does somthing stupid .   I ; They are crazy people in this world thats why people die .. p ;  why are talking about dying ? This is definitely not how I wanted spend my day. I think I will cry if are talking about this stuff any more let's talk about more happy things like how it's summer time . I : ok Phineas . lets have fun  sorry I said that .  F: There will be no fun today after you that Issy   . You will not be able to join us in you made Phineas almost cry and came over late . You are a stupid girl . Why you think you can come in the backyard and get Phineas To like you I don't know. Issy glares at ferb  f,  Isabella well I know you have be crazy for Phineas to like you he only likes the crazy stuff like building things that are dangerous.  He is definitely busted and so am I . ferb laughs at his joke he made .  Except for Phineas he smiles at his bro. Everyone else is confused why he is laughing.   They all just  talk outside for the rest of day since the boys were to Tired to build anything. So perry had the day off of work since he was sick . He spend time watching the boys build there inventions. He was glad to home to see them build and have fun . He wishes ever day he could see the joy in Phineas eyes has as he builds with ferb. Seeing this made perry happy . He wished his job would let him have more time off.

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now