How isbella meets phineas and ferb.

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Phineas Flynn and ferb fletcher are my best friends. I walk over to the boy's house every day. I say whatcha doing we build something then Phineas pays no attention to me . You might wonder how I know Phineas and ferb . Well I am the girl who lives across the street . My crush is Phineas and everyone wants to talk to him. That always makes it hard to hang out alone with him . I will drop a hint  that I like him then poof the boy will act like I said nothing and go back to working with ferb, I envy ferb. He gets to live with phineas somthing I hope to do one day . You might ask me Isabella why do you deal with Phineas  if he ignores you. Well I deal with him because I love him. He is a good friend . I need tell you all the story of how I met Phineas and how I started  to release I love him . One day mom and I move in to the nigberhood from Mexico. My mom gets this call from the next door neighbors. They wanted  to come over . We were new to Danville and they wanted to welcome us . so I hear the door bell ring . My mom gets it and there I see walking in to my house a mom , a dad , a older grumpy looking sister , and two boys they had huge smiles on . The boys looked around my age . I found my self looking at one the boys he had red hair and big round blue  eyes and odd triangle head . I know I just met him but I know i was definitely marring him  one day , he was so cute . Hi I am Phineas the cute red head said and this my brother ferb . Ferb has an odd head too I thought. He has green hair too . That's odd hair color I thought. The red head points to the grumpy girl and says this my sister Candce. Then before I knew it the boys invited me to their house to see their  the back yard. I was so directed by Phineas and what the boys were showing me I forgot to introduce my self to them. I am Isabella by the way I said before leaving back to my place . Both boys looked at me . Phineas smiles at me and tells me bye and and waves at me and invites me over tom. . I could sworn I heard upset tone in Phineass voice when I was leaving. I wonder if he likes me back . I will get him to notice me one day . Ferb I know what what I am going to do today are the words Phineas says every day to start the day. He doesn't relize today I am going make mind and call him mine . Little did I realize he was in middle bulding somthing when I asked him out and he dropped the hammer he had in hands on his toe and we ended up scheduling another date some other time because Phineas broke a toe -. Well at lest he said yes to date. I thought before leaving to visit him in the hospital.   I am in the hospital waiting for Phineas s nurse to say i can see him . When I do he kisses me, he says this Isabella I love you , wish we could do that date now .  my toe isn't broke like you thought . Its just sprained .  Ferb; Opps looks like  Issy gave you guys the wrong info about Phineas .  There is difference between broken and sprained Isabella . Stop tell people he broke is toe.  I : sometimes I think  that you guys are the ones who make up this because I didn't tell anyone about this  whole issue with phineas in the hospital. It was probably Candce. p; she is right bro Candce probably snitched on us again . Anyway when I come out the hospital I will take you up on your date Isabella.   I: i am so excited to go with you . F; well you guys go now to that date . Phineas  was just let out of the hospital . p: hey I was going to tell that . It was going to be a surprise . but you ruined it bro . F; sorry phineas. At least your coming home today . Candce drove me crazy theses past days. She screamed  when I said you were in the hospital and mom and dad were going to visit but said don't Phineas is leaving the hospital soon . 
  Time jump to when they are back home from the hospital.  Of course all of Phineas family give him a huge welcome back .
P : Ok Issy time to go on that date I promised you . Well you asked me out so where should we go .  I ;
Well Phineas lets go  take walk in the park than have a picnic.
P; . I can definitely do the park today . Let me pack that picnic than we go.
They went to park and had a nice picnic lunch than headed home . They both liked the date so they said Tom they were going to have another one      The next day . as they walk home from  date . Phineas choose to take Issy for a romantic dinner. He paid for meal .   P, Issy I enjoyed this date . I got a question for you .  I ; yes I liked the date too, please do ask me what you want Phineas I am a open book.    P; well Issy . I know this only second time going on a date. But am not sure you will want to do it again soon . but  on a separate note . I was thinking  maybe you want to be more than friends. With me  not that dont like being your friend, it's just I want to do more things alone with you . So  Isabella will you be  be my girlfriend.  Issy faints when she was asked that question.  P: Issy are you ok ? O no she fainted. I got to carry her back. Maybe this gods way  of saying I am to young to date now .   Issy wakes up she on the couch in Phineas amd ferbs house . HumI am not sure how I got here. She walks around and finds Phineas in the kitchen.  P: Issy is that you . Thought I heard you up . Glad you are up Issy. I got worried you were not going to get up until later. Anyway I am glad you recovered so fast .  So did you think about the answer to the question I asked you .   I : not sure I know what your talking about.  P ;  I figured that you would say that . So I will asked you one more time will you  be my girlfriend.     Please don't faint on me like  you did last time. I asked you .   He waits nervously for her answer.  I :she squeals and kisses him .  Yes I do want to be your girlfriend.    P, good than it's settled . Glad I got that off my chest.    They  hug.  F; Um sorry to bother you Phineas but I think Issy should leave now ,  Candce is ranting on the phone and seems angry that Isabella sprained your toe .  With that Isabella leaves the house,  she  kisses Phineas on the way out .  The next few days were spend by Phineas and Isabella doing dates. They are happy together still it has been weeks since phineas asked the question .   Ferb  finally dates Vanessa shortly after phineas go on there next date .  This time they went to the movies . Phineas fells alssep during it becouse he was up last thinking about Isabella . They end up walking home plain to have more dates in the future.

 Phineas x ferb  with little bit of phinabella  and other couples Where stories live. Discover now