Kill me now

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Jin Soo sighed as he picked himself up off the front yard.

"And get me some beer!" His father yelled, slamming the door closed.

Jin Soo whimpered, holding his arm close to his chest.

He made his way to the corner store, grabbing a six pack of beer. He put it on the counter, placing the money next to it.

"This is him!" The cashier suddenly yelled out. Two cops came out of nowhere, grabbing his wrist and cuffing him.

"Your arrested for underaged drinking. Come with us." One said.

"N-no please! It's not my fault!" Jin Soo pleaded, trying to escape their grasp.

"P-please don't take me away... Please don't I bed of you! He'll hurt you!" Jin Soo cried as the second cop opened the back door of the car.

"Shut up and get in." He was shoved into the car, head nearly hitting the hard seats.

"P-please it's not my fault. I don't drink it's for my father!" Jin Soo cried.

"Why would a father tell his son to go out at 10:00 at night to get a pack of beer?"

Jin Soo shut his mouth. He knew if he said anything his father would find out, find him, and take him back to the hell hole he calls home.

The drive to the police station was quick.

He was soon shoved into a waiting cell, next to a large man.
He cried silently, hoping they wouldn't call his father.

"Please don't please don't. Dear God please." Jin Soo whispered to himself, trying to stop himself from crying even more when he father came walking through the door.

He was bailed out and as soon as he got home, all hell broke loose.

"All I said was to get me a pack of beer! But what do you do?! Fuck it up like you always do! Your just like your mother!" Jin Soo watched as his fyher grabbed an umbrella.

He cried out in pain when it was brought tmdown on his side.

That's gonna leave a mark.

The next day JinSoo woke up to an empty house.

Shoot I'm late again!

JinSoo ignored the pain coursing Through uis body, and ran up the stairs, pulling out his makeup kit.

He covered all the marks on his face anf neck before putting it away and changing his clothes.

Once he got to school he pulled his hood up, trying to go unnoticed

But luck wasn't on his side. Ever.

Someone yanked him back, pulling him to the ground. Kicks and punches were instantly out on him.

JinSoo was silent the whole time.

He was numb.

This washed first time this happened

What's going on?! Why can't I feel anything?!

He blacked out.

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