Trust Issues

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JinSoo stayed completely still once he saw dark figures appear.

His eyes adjusted to the darkness, so he was able to sort of make out what they looked like.

One had a long face, but he had a cute smile on his lips, talking loudly.

Another had a plump face and lips, looking around and taking cautious steps around the area.

One had a cute smile that made him look like a bunny.

Another had orange hair, he doesn't know how he could tell, and wide eyes,

There was a really short one with blank fetures. He had the bitch face on!

One had broad shoulders and plump lips, making sure no one was wandering too far. JinSoo had the earge to snuggle into his giant shoulders.

And then there was the tallest one, he also had plump lips. Long limbs flailing when he tripped and almost fell.

There was a man with a camera following them.

JinSoo stayed silent, watching as they all split and started looked for whatever.

But one boy got really close, almost stepping on his foot. JinSoo shuffled away quickly, causeing the other boy to let out a scream.

JinSoo covered his head, expecting to be hit.

"What's wrong Hoseok-hyung?!" The plump faced one came running over.
"T-theres something t-there!" Hoseok pointed frantically at the corner he was just at.

"Ah! Someone give me the flashlight!" Jimin whisper yelled.
The tallest one handed him a flashlight, stepping back and hiding behind The broad shouldered one.

Jimin flicked on the flashlight, gasping loudly.
"Omg what do you see?' the bunny boy asked.

"Guys it's a boy. Hoseok-hyung you were scared by a little boy." Jimin crouched down, Jin doing the same.

"Hey are you okay?" Jimin asked soflty.

JinSoo flinched violently, whimpering loudly. "Hey hey it's okay. We won't hurt you." Jimin said softly, reaching out slowly.

JinSoo squeezed himself behind some boxes, earning a small 'No' from Jimin.

"It's too tight in there! He might get hurt!" Jimin said worriedly.
"Jin-hyung use your magic and get him out of there." The tallest one, Namjoon, said.

Jin got in front of JinSoo, moving his bag out of the way.

"Sweetie can you come out? We won't hurt you. We promise." Jin said softly, sitting down.

"T-thats what they all say. Go away." JinSoo shoved his face into his knees, letting tears fall down his cheeks.

"Come on sweetie. This thing is going to collapse and your gonna get hurt." Jin said as calmly as he could after hearing the heavy boxes creak.

JinSoo shook his head, deciding he wanted to die. Right then and there.

"Sweetie come out please." Jin tried again.

JinSoo shook his head, scooting farther back. His back hit another box, causing it to move. Another bow fell, and Jin used all his power to yank the boy out, landing him on his chest.

JinSoo, stared wide eyed at the fallen boxes, breathing heavily. He looked at Jin to see him holding his cheek.

"We need to get I'm out of here." Namjoon said in a brave tone.

The shortest one, Yoongi, grabbed JinSoo's bag, jogging after the others.

JinSoo began sobbing, not knowing who these people were taking him.

"It's okay sweetie. Don't cry." Jin wiped his tears away.
JinSoo tried to get out of his grip, but due to his weak body he couldn't do anything.

"Bang PD Nim!" Namjoon called out.

Bang turned around, asked what was up.

"We found a boy in the abandoned part of here. He was in a corner." Namjoon said frantically, pointing over at Jin and JinSoo.

"Oh dear! Someone call an ambulance!" Bang yelled out.

Jin sat JinSoo down on a director chair, brushing dust off of him.

"I-i want my m-mommy!" JinSoo cried, rubbing his eyes roughly.
"Where is you mommy sweetie?"

"U-up there..." JinSoo pointed upwards, trying to say she was in heaven.

"'ll see her one day okay?" Jin ran a hand through his hair.

JinSoo nodded, flinching when people with a stretcher came running in, placing him on it.

JinSoo took one more look at Jin before closing his eyes, body shutting down for the day.

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