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Im Fine. Im Fine. Kinda. Charlie practically chanted to herself while she watched her breathing tube laying on her chest. Im fine. Im fine. Charlie has to stay over night because it was late anyways and just for healthy reasons. 

Charlies mother, a sweet yet dense women. Laid her head helplessly in her hands and rested against the side of her daughters bed. "What happened to him." Charlie asked her Mom.

"You need to rest." Her Mom sighed. You can hear the heart break in her voice. First her own Father dying then her child ends up in the hospital. Of course she would be a mess. 

"Please. Im calm now." Charlie whispered to show her mom its ok.

"Sweetheart. Your granddad..." she kept staring at the floor trying to think of her words "Was very disturbed..."

"Oh Come on!" Charlie yelled at her "Dont start with that." There was a whole feud between opinions on her grandfather. 

"The police think he wandered into some kind of gang or something. Just somewhere he shouldn't have been." He must have been on a job, Charlie thought. "Damn it. We should have just put him in a home! None of this would have happened!" Her mother cursed.

"he would have escaped even if you put him in there. He was smart thinking Mom." Charlie said keeping her composure to not upset her mom anymore. Though, a tell tale sign was the heart monitor. It let everyone know how she was really feeling.

"I guess he was." Was all that her mother could respond with. 

"When can I leave?" she asked her mom.

"The Doctor said around 9. But they are giving you a inhaler now." She said. 

"Great." Charlie growled. Another nuisance. It will be fine. She only had this because her and Avus was so close. 


Under the Lepus. Under the Lepus. Under the Lepus. Charlie reminded herself of her Avus's instructions. Lepus. Rabbit. Under the rabbit statue in her old play area. 

Her mother drive her home from the hospital. An awkward silence composed the atmosphere. Charlie's gaze locked outside of the window not even stealing a single glance from her mother. "What did your grandfather say to you?" Her mother snapped out of the silence. She assumed that the reason Charlie was quiet was because of something her Grandfather said. She was right. but it was none of her mothers business to know what he said.

"No." Charlie said with such a stale voice.

"Your just quiet." Her mother retorted nervously. 

"Im just...thinking." Charlie said not wanting her mother to try and blame more on her and Avus's close relationship. Her mom dropped it. Good thing. Charlie isnt the one to continuously fight with her mom before just getting plan annoyed. 

As soon as the car parked in the driveway of Charlies condo, Charlie already half way out of the car before the breaks were even hit. "Abigail." Her mother called her by her first name. With a hint of angst in her tone. 

"What." Charlie mimicked her mothers tone.

"Please dont do anything, you know, impulsively." she said trying to make it not seem like an insult "You take after your grandfather." she said keeping her head down to not make a threat to Charlie. 

"And Im glad I do." Charlie snapped and left the car. 

The door opened with a creek. Damn the paramedics cracked the hinges. A mess was still on the floor from where she fell. The Go bag that Charlie was packing still half full and thrown next to the couch. Charlie finished packing the backpack. Then she packed a duffel of  over night stuff. Enough for a week at least. 

Her keys stabbed her hand when she grabbed them. She growled at the mini metal teddy bear key chain charm that was out to get her palm. 

In the car she was nervous. She hasn't been in her Avus's house since she started college. her eyes strained because she kept her eyes so intensely on the road. She wanted to go faster but her beaten up 1998 Chrysler 300M said otherwise. 

Her Avus was about 30 mins away from her home. Nervous. Nervous. Nervous. Three times a chant. Despite her her calm composure she had a small case of OCD. Some things she had to chant at least three times in a sequence before being broken. It just calms her nerves.

As the house. His house was neat, at least from the outside. Charlie took a minute and stared from the front seat of her car. Such a aura of calm, but knowing that her Avus was just there yesterday gave her such chills. Not yet fully coped so it was hard. She had to follow his orders to the T. He was one she could trust. Shes not one to trust easily.

She already had a key, in case of an emergency. The porch was light beige. A swing and a couple of rocking chairs, with some old childhood toys still in pristine shape next to the door. Creaking boards from Charlie shifting from foot to foot aches in her ears.  

Oh god, Oh god, Oh god. Charlie panicked as the key twitched in the lock. She counted the degrees every turn that her key made. 90,45, 30, 25, 0. It clicked. Just open the door charlie, she told herself. The door was nicely oiled and spotless. How does he have time to make sure his house is clean? Charlie wondered. 

When you walk in, you do not find a house of a typically hunter. Instead you would find the most suburban, clean, white-walled house. Even to help out the lure, pictures of grandkids hung on the walls, along with  some pictures of Avus going fishing. Charlie knew that he hated fishing. "Wow, good job." Charlie chuckled at the scene. 

Get to work Charlie! She reminded herself. Key under the lepus statue. She cautiously walked through the living room. Its so bright in here. It dosent even need lights. The air was so thin, and sented like fabreeze.

She walked up the stairs and found the second floor just as pristine as the first. This time instead of polished furniture there was old baskets of toys from her childhood. He still kept everything. Sometimes charlie swore he was a low key hoarder. 

There was a room branching off that had no door but just a frame. In there the room was colored light pink. Thats where Charlie use to stay when she slept over at her grandfathers. She looked back from the room of memories back to where she was standing. Lepus statue. Rabbit statue. Rabbit. The purple rabbit procaine stared blankly with a grin at Charlie. "There you are!" She exclaimed as she ran over to the glass cabinet of knickknacks. The cabinet was old and reused, unlike the majority of the furniture. A thin metal ring acted like the pulley. 

The metal clinked against the glass as she pulled it open. Charlie muttered annoying things about the Lepus statue. She wasn't exactly the fan of the bulging eyes or the very human characteristics. She tipped it enough to grab the key taped to the bottom. A normal house key. still not used. This was in case of emergencys again. They both have a full structured emergency plan for almost everything. 

Charlie got up the courage to re-read the last message from avus. 

Avus: Amasiuncula, Something is on my tail. I'm too old to keep doing this. You are the only one who thinks im sane. I am so sorry for the burden I introduced you to. But please, Amasiuncula my love, I do not want to die and your Parents to find my work. Go to my house, grab the key under the lepus statue in your old play area. Go to my work place. Your the one who I will let see all of this shame. Do not worry Amasiuncula, i will make sure that everything will go to you. Good bye my Amasiuncula. I love you so much. periculum

""go to my workplace."" Charlie read. She went there so much each time she went over to his house. His workplace is where his hunter comes out. She ran downstairs so fast. She needs to see her real grandfathers place of lounging instead of this suburban lies.

She sprinted to the inside garage door and practically tripped into the garage. Two car spacious compartment with tools galore masking the walls. One car was missing. He had two. One for him and one for Nana. Nana and him divorced and she moved to Jamaica a year before Charlie was born. The car left was his prized maroon colored 1969 boss 429 mustang.    

She skipped passed the car and tried to find the old hidden door. A door hidden behind a wall plate of tools. The door was the door to the basement. Avus kept it hidden so no matter what no one without being told knew where it was. She pried open the panel and came face to face with a door scribbed with traps and symbols. "Nice one Old man." charlie laughed in admiration. Quickly unlocking it she took no hesitation to walk in. 

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