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Charlie stared at the edge of the Farragut state park, Idaho. "Sir, you sure about this?" 

"Totally." she sarcastically said. She adjusted her stance and stared at the thick thicket. She glanced down at the large dagger she had bared in her hand. 

"You realize you are using yourself as bait."

"Yeah, I know." she sighed. Every single nerve was on edge. She could feel each individual goosebump rise and rub against her clothes, making her skin feel agitated. Just cut the spinal cord, she reminded herself. "hey, Gimoire. Turn into a dog." charlie looked at her cat.

"May I ask why?"

"Because in lure, A crocotta use to lure dogs by crying out like an injured canine." Charlie explained.

"So now you want me as bait too?!" Gimoire hissed at her.

"dont worry youll just lure it out a little. Also your not even alive anyways so it couldn't eat you." Charlie rolled her eyes nonchalantly.

"Sir...A crocotta eats souls. I am a pure soul may I remind you?" 

"Dont worry I wont let it eat you." Charlie winked at Gimoire. Who knew he was screwed. "lets go." Charlie chanted and walked into the forest, armed and ready. "Remember the way back, Gimoire." she walked around with the doggy Gimoire by her side. 

Its only mid-day, so she wouldn't get too lost. "Sir, you sure it would be in these woods?" 

"I hope so, This is where two so-called "hyena-wolf like thing" reports have been. One camper said that their friend said that they heard their dead sister-in-law say "Come to me" before the camper got lost in the woods...2 days ago."

"ok," gimoire sighed glancing around the forest. Only bird chrips and the leaves crunching underneath each one of their steps made any noise. They must have been out there for about 3 hours. "its getting dim. Lets go back." Gimoire said.

"Yeah, okay." she agreed and they started their commute back. Perfect timing too.

"C h a r l i e~" 

Such a voice. It shook her to the core. Her mouth fell agape as a breath was stolen from her. "Oh great." She muttered.

"c o m e t o m e~" Her Avus's voice echoed through the woods. 

"Oh my god this is happening." she quietly panicked and did a 360 to look to see if anything was around her. Clear, for now. 


"Oh hell no, Only my Avus can call me that." She snarled and rolled her shoulders. 

"Charlie, do not let it trick you. its trying to get you to it." Gimoire warned. 

"I know. That's why it will come to me." she grinned and stood her ground "AVUS!?" She cried in fake tears. "AVUS WHERE ARE YOU!?" 

"C o m e  t o  m e."

"Where are you!?" She called out pretending to trick. It kept repeating the line and she kept saying hers. She knew the Crocotta was coming closer because its voice was louder. "Thats it." she whispered waiting. "Avus!" she called.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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