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She could already smell the books. The smell of leather and paper instantly overbeared  the chilled oil smelling air. She held back a squeal out of excitement. She was so eager. The stairs that lead down was practically a death trap if your charlie. Way to clumsy and excited to actually walk correctly let alone go down stairs. 

Each step had a different trap in case something can get past the step prior. Very smart man. Honestly. Every new symbol she stepped on made her more and more proud to be his Granddaughter and only trusted descendent. 

The basement was dark. "Damn it." Charlie said palming the walls in search for the light switch. She found it but how was odd. Instead of taking her time and using her hands against the wall method, she placed her arms and whole body against the wall and jumped. Her body slid and found the switch. As long as it worked, I guess?

No real lights, just lightbulbs held up my wires dangled from the ceilings. The lights were old so it made the room illuminate yellow.Piles upon piles of paper and journals stacked up nearly to the ceiling. Three desks total in three different corners. Some filled with plan research, one for cases, the other one was full of journals. Pictures of random items and creatures plastered on the walls. "Oh my god." Charlie gasped in awe. "Its wonderful." She belched a loud laugh. 

She skipped over in utter amazement to the second desk. She picked up a notebook and skimmed it. Contacts. Other hunters. Allies of Avus. Amazing. He has so much info about each hunter. Like he studied them. Amazing. He wrote down everything. There frequent locations, specialties in hunting, what they are known for, any deals made. Then personal information any cop could find. Even their close famiy's information. "Ha! I cant belive this! He has added more since I left!" charlie laughed. He added more information that charlie originally wrote. One of her jobs that her Avus let her do was get information.  

Charlie took another glance to her left. Her smile stilled when she saw a table. Seemed like a small witch table. "Really Avus?" She scoffed. She was use to the supernatural not witchery. "Really!? My grandfather was a witch!?" Charlie said ironically. "I expected better."She huffed and leaned on the table. A book was laying open downside on the witch table. Charlie noticed the letters and scribes on the cover. "A summoning book?" She said curiously picking it up. A single page was tagged with a sticker. She read through the Latin words like it was her native one. "A summoning spell?" she hummed and got way to curious. "No way." She gasped knowing what it was. For a second she was surprised but exhilarated.    

She was way to curious. She read the incantation out loud. This was a speech spell so no weird sacrifices or anything that would make her squeamish. she finished the last words slowly "-Mea Servitutem Nexum." she chanted to the empty room. The table was pressed against a wall so she stared at the colorless concrete. Quiet. Nothing. Just plain old quiet and sound. "Oh rip." she scoffed at the rip off. I cant tell if this was one of his jokes or just a stale spell. Charlie thought. 

-CLUNK- Charlie grabbed her pocket knife and flicked it out so quickly she got headrush. A small metal box was rattling on the floor in front of her. "What the hell?" She muttered and slowly got out of her fighting stance. Her knife was steel so it should do some kind of damage. Then the handle was iron just for some extra toppings on the treat. "A box?" She said so confused. Charlie kneeled down and examined the box. No more than 2 inches in diameter. She cautiously picked up the box. Very cold to the touch. "Ohhhh, Kay?" She said examining it. Just a plan old box. 

She tried twisting it open but that was fruitless. "It opens?" She said surprised to see small hinges. This time using common sense she opened it correctly. Nothing was inside. Charlie was utterly baffled. Actually there was one thing inside. A small symbol. Thats it. 

Ticking echoed, stopping Charlie in her tracks. Not a normal ticking, from like a clock or watch. A mouth made the noise. More like a tsking sound. All the blood rushed out of her body. Shit, shit,shit. In front of her she re-positioned her knife in her hand. The tsking continued. Like it was talking to her. Whatever it was. It was directly behind Charlie. She took a breath to try and get some kind of blood pumping. 

She slowly turned around bearing her knife ready to strike. She switched knees and glared behind her shoulder. Nothing standing, so no alarms there. "Tsk,tsk,tsk." that mouthing sound said again. Her eyes averted down and locked eyes with a pare of green eyes. Just eyes floating in a cloud of black shadows. Like a cloud with characteristics. 

"Oh my god." Charlie fell on her butt and stared at the figure. The figure inched closer and stared into her eyes. "I know what you are." she warned the creature. "Did you have a bond with Danny?" She referred to her Avus. 

"Tsk." the creature replied. It tsk'ed and tsk'ed and stared. 

"Thats a yes?" Charlie said still shaken.

"Tsk." the eyes hissed. 

"Danny, hes-hes dead." Charlie hesitated. 

"Bur?" The creature gasped. It sounded hurt. A form started to solidify from the shadow. A feline like figure. It wasnt fully formed so it was a dark shadow of a big eared cat with a very long tail.

"I'm Charlie." She introduced herself. The Creature stared at her wide-eyed."Did he tell you about me?" She asked.

"Tsk." a confirmation.

"Well, I know he adored you. I want you to be my Familiar. Like my grandfather." she said watching its reactions "Im taking over his research. I want someone who was always with him by my side." she said sitting up into criss-cross. "Im not exactly the witchy type like Avus but I am a hunter."

"Tsk,Tsk,Tsk,Tsk." it clicked at me. 

"Is that all?" charlie asked "like, how did my grandfather do this?" she asked uncertain. The creature stared at her for a second. It hissed and lunged at her arms. She tried to avoid it but claws scratched her hand. "Ow!" she grabbed her hand away and looked at the bleeding scratches. The shadow fully formed into a cat, a typically cliché black cat. The cat calmly strutted closer to Charlie and pawed at her hand. Pawing at it like it was trying to grab it and bring it closer. The cat licked the blood off of her hand. "Is that the bind?" Charlie asked. The cat meowed and sat down in front of her.

"Whats your name?" Charlie asked not expecting a response.


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