QnA #1

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So in honour of 10k here's the QnA y'all like 4 people gave me questions to (thanks btw)

Taeyong (luckiestman)

Q: Does Ten have a foot fetish?

luckiestman: maybe he does, maybe he doesn't 👀

Q: How many fingers and I holding up?

luckiestman: 12

luckiestman: wait—

Q: What do you think of Jaenorens' poly relationship?

luckiestman: as long as they're happy with it and don't hurt each other, I'm fine with it

Mark (imnotobsessed)

Q: Does Donghyuck like having toes up his ass?

imnotobsessed: never tried it 😳

Q: did you know I'm gayer than you

imnotobsessed: bitch you really tried no you're no—

Q: seagulls?

Imnotobsessed: seagulls

Q: Are you a panicked gay?

imnotobsessed: i— can't answer that

Q: how much do you love Haechan?

imnotobsessed: so much 💖❤️💖❤️

Q: why are you so precious?

imnotobsessed: idk 😳💖

Kun (amazingqian)

Q: what's up Rebecca

amazingqian: is this Lucas I swear if it's lucas—

Q: are you in a relationship?

amazingqian: no... Sadly

Q: are you really fat spiderman


Q: Would you like to be my boyfriend so you won't be single and alone? Or would you rather be single and alone with me?

amazingqian: I like dick sorry 🤞

Ten (grateful)

Q: On a scale of 1 to Jesus how gay are you?

grateful: that is actually a good question, you'll have to ask my fiance

Q: Taeyongs banana?

grateful: my favorite 😋

Q: Why do you hate fruits?

grateful: they're gross idk

Q: how do you eat Taeyongs banana when you hate fruit?

grateful: the only fruit I like is his banana 😡✊

Lucas (schlongxuxi)

Q: Did you know my schlong is longer than yours?

schlongxuxi: prOVE IT

Q: How does Jungwoo like it?

schlongxuxi: hard, unlike his soft exterior

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