Chapter 1

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As the morning dawned on the first of November, there was a crack that disturbed the peace and silence in Godric Hollow

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As the morning dawned on the first of November, there was a crack that disturbed the peace and silence in Godric Hollow.

The young woman that had suddenly appeared didn't hesitate before running towards the end of a lane that she had grown up on. As she reached the last house she halted in her steps whilst a sob ripped its way up her chest, the once beautiful cottage that was full to the brim of life only mere hours ago, stood destroyed - the roof of the home had obviously caved in and the upstairs windows had shattered, littering the garden with broken shards.

Just as she stepped towards the little wooden gate at the beginning of the garden, a man stumbled out of the front door, clutching something small in his arms.

"Charlie!" Exclaimed the man in a hoarse voice as he stumbled towards the young woman. But just before he reached her she stepped forward and held her arms out in a gesture for the little bundle that was nested in the crook of the man's arm.

"Siri-" She began to say before another sob tore its way through her lips. The man didn't pass the swaddle over to the woman - instead, he grabbed her with his spare arm and pulled her into a tight hug, careful not to squish the bundle between them. He held her tightly until she pulled back to look him intently in the eyes.

"Lily and James are they- are they gone?" She finally managed to choke out the question that she dreaded the answer to.

It seemed like the man couldn't bring himself to answer her for he turned his head away from her, fat tears rolling down his cheeks in synchronization to the woman. This seemed to be the wrong answer for the women as she tried to get out of the man's grasp to check for herself. Yet he wouldn't let her go. He had already suffered looking at the man he had claimed as a brother, he couldn't even begin to imagine what she would feel if she saw her twin's glassed over eyes as he stared into the empty abyss.

"Sirius, let me go, please! I need to see them. They can't be dead! He can't be dead!" Near the end of her plea, she began to shout hysterically. Her whole body shook as the grief took over her, she continued shaking her head in denial - surely she would've known that something bad was going to happen to her twin. She should've known, she could've helped. These words repeated in her head, circling her mind like vultures preying on her show of weakness. She would've been consumed by the guilt if it wasn't for Sirius grabbing her head and raising it to look at him.

"Charlie, Charlie! Look at me please," She could see in his eyes that he was also falling to pieces but was keeping it together for the time being. "Think of Harry, we're all he has left. Please, Charlie, don't break on me now." As he said this he slowly let go of Charlie making sure that she was able to support herself before drawing the bundle from out of the crook in his arm.

As Charlie peered down into the cloth, she noticed a pair of familiar emerald green eyes peer curiously back at her. She gently moved the blanket away from his face so she could get a better look at him, to reassure herself that he was safe and unharmed. Or mostly unharmed.

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