Chapter 8

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11th September 1991

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11th September 1991.

When the boys first told her about their first flying lesson, Thalia was filled with joy and excitement. Her father had taught her how to fly when she was only four, according to him, she was a natural born chaser just like her Uncle James. However, her Uncle Emmanuel believed that the sport was too manly and skilled for a lady of "her station" which meant that the few summer holidays that she had stayed in Nott Manor she was forced to watch Theo and Blaise fly around the garden. Her only company being the house elves who rarely spoke to her unless to ask a question.

They were the most boring and painful holidays that Thalia had to suffer through - most recent one discluded of course.

However, her excitement was squashed slightly by Hermione and Daphne's nervous breakdown that occurred promptly after they heard the news about their first lesson.

"I can't possibly fly on a broomstick, what if I fall and die?!" Exclaimed Daphne as she began hyperventilating. Unlike Pansy and Thalia, the Greengrass sisters weren't allowed near a broom, even if it only hovered a few feet off of the ground - their mother's constant worry was suffocating even to children that weren't her own.

"I'm sure you'll be fine - we'll just be doing the basics today, barely even getting off the ground. Right, Pansy?" Pansy nodded in agreement as she wrapped an arm around Millie who was also dreading the lesson.

"But what if we lose control? Or do badly and people laugh at us?" Hermione's hair seemed to be sparking from the pure nervous energy that rolled off her in waves.

The boys weren't helping the situation as Draco strolled past, telling anyone who would listen about the time he'd narrowly escaped muggles in helicopters. Hermione looked fearful at his blatant over-exaggerations which proved that she believed the stupid imbecile.

"Don't worry 'Mione, I'm sure he's lying."

"How do you know?"

"Because his mother would have swaddled him and never let him out of her sight if she knew what he'd done." Stated Pansy plainly in a monotone voice. The girls all looked at her before bursting into laughter, the crisis averted for the moment.

"Hey, 'Mione, I don't suppose you could give this to Harry." Thalia held out a small note and held a hopeful puppy dog expression on her face. Hermione took one look at her face and sighed.

"I'm not a bloody owl." She said as she grabbed the piece of paper and walked off to find Thalia's cousin.

"What did the note say?" Asked Daphne curiously, colour returning to her face now that the thought of her future death experiences was forgotten.

"Oh you know, don't shame the family, make Hedwig proud, how's Draco's murder coming along? I hope you're ready to be beaten by me, you'll be a natural. You know, the normal." She shrugged and grinned at the girls before turning away and walking towards the Slytherin dungeons, set on feeding Felix before completing her homework.

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