Chapter 9

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19th September 1991

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19th September 1991.

As per usual, Thalia began her Thursday by sitting next to Hermione in History of Magic, watching her friend furiously take notes as Professor Binns droned on about yet another goblin war. Whilst she would normally take notes in her lessons, Thalia found it was easier to fall into a daydream during History of Magic and learn through books. The books in question seemed to make the many wizarding conflicts and discoveries much more fascinating than the monotone voice of their dead professor.

However, in comparison to last week when she sat next to Draco, Thalia was unable to daydream for very long thanks to the constant sharp elbow digging into her side.

"Will you stop elbowing me?" Hissed Thalia angrily to Hermione who had her gaze stuck firmly onto her notes.

"Will you stop daydreaming and actually make notes?" Whispered Hermione back causing Thalia to lean back in shock.

"I thought you said that you didn't care if I made notes or not." Hermione huffed, pausing her note taking to glare up at Thalia before quickly resuming previous actions.

"I do care, I don't want you to fail, I only said that because you were complaining." Thalia gasped quietly.

"Me? Complain? You've got the wrong girl, Miss Granger." Hermione cracked a small smile at Thalia but then shh'd her and continued note taking for the rest of the lesson - obviously assuming that she would never win the argument.

At the end of the lesson, the Slytherin and Gryffindor first-years had a study period meaning that they all wandered off to certain areas of the castle. As Thalia was still annoyed with Draco, Greg and Vince for baiting her cousin into a midnight duel, she tended to avoid Slytherin orientated areas meaning that her other friends and her frequented the library on a regular occurrence.

"I just don't understand why you can't take notes in his lessons." Argued Hermione as she began grabbing books off the shelves.

"I just can't take notes when someone is just continuously talking in such a boring way!" Thalia started to raise her voice in annoyance only to look around sheepishly at the glares she was getting from other students.

"Well, how are you supposed to pass History of Magic if you aren't bothering to write the content down?" Hermione murmured. She carefully placed her large stack of books onto their chosen desk. Thalia glanced down at the pile quickly and noticed that underneath the first History of Magic book there was an array of books specialising in magical creatures.

"I write the notes down in my study periods, out of the textbook. So, technically, I am learning the exact same as you, just in a different way. You have to admit that I am learning more than most people in our class." This caused Hermione to sigh and slowly nod her head in agreement. Before they could argue anymore, Thalia decided to change the topic quickly.

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