Chapter 2

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10 years later,

22nd June 1991.

Nott Manor was an extremely intimidating building; with grande rooms that contained hundreds of galleons worth of art and expansive gardens that were perfectly in order - not a tulip out of line. To most, they would avoid going to the house at all costs but to this eleven-year-old girl, she couldn't run up the driveway fast enough - for today was the day she saw her cousin for the first time in over a month.

When Theodore Nott was younger, he used to stayed behind with his mother whilst his father went away on business trips. But, when his mother suddenly passed away from sickness, he was henceforth brought along on the trips as his father deemed the rest of their current family a bad influence on his son.

According to Emmanuel Nott, his brother, Ezekiel Nott and his sister-in-law Charlotte Nott were a disgrace to the family, with their opinion on 'mudbloods' being the complete opposite of his, not to mention how they were against the entire Nott family in the last war. The only good thing about that side of his family was his niece, Thalia Nott, who he had been trying to raise 'properly' - under the nose of his brother - for years. 

It was his niece that was currently rapping her knuckles on the large oak doors in a quick rapid succession - her untidy hair swishing around her. Her hazel eyes sparkled with glee at the thought of rejoining her cousin once more. Her appearance would obviously displease her uncle but she hadn't a care in the world at that moment in time; her cousin was back. The cousin that was pretty much her twin in every way but blood. Even then, it's pretty close.

The door suddenly swung open to reveal an old house elf by the name of Hupsie who had been working for the Nott family since Emmanuel and Ezekiel were young boys. The house elf wore a pristine white toga which matched the entire manor - not a speck of dust or dirt in sight. 

Hupsie bowed deeply at the dark-haired girl whilst gesturing her to enter the grand building. Without pausing, Thalia thanked the house elf before sprinting upstairs to her cousin's room where she knew he would be located. To most, the manor would be like a maze to navigated but after many visits over the years, she knew the layout like it was the back of her hand. 

Without knocking or being given permission to enter, Thalia burst into her cousin's bedroom - the door slamming against the wall from the force of the girl slamming into it at a sprint. Her cousin, Theodore Nott, spun around, his eyes widening in surprise before a mass slammed into him at a great momentum, knocking him to the floor. He let out a gasp in pain as his back hit the floor. 

"Theo! I'm so glad you're back, how are you? How was it? What happened?" The small girl rushed to get up, pulling her cousin up with her. She glanced him up and down, wincing as he reached his arm back to check his head. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." She exclaimed loudly. Theo, once assured that his head hadn't cracked open, looked at the girl in front of him.

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