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"So... what happen there Romeo?" Hank said and smirked at me. "Nothing but an accident" "so that's why you took so long? Or did you just admire her preatty face?" "A-again nothing like that" I stuttered. I drove to the station, and notice Markus and North came out. "Hey boys!" North smiled as we headed out of the car. "That's lieutenent to you officer Montoya" lit.Hank informed and as usual North shrugged it off. "Whatever old man" North laugh, Markus and I just smiled, leaving Lit. Hank walking inside muttering 'damn kids.' "So Connor have you heard?" Markus stated which made me confuse, "no, what?" "We are going to have a some former FBI agents and-" "And they are assign to our division!" North burst out the last statement that Markus wanted to say. "So do you know any of information on these guys?" They only shrugged, "all we know is that one of them kept those cool glasses with holograph stuff" One of them said as the other one held hands together. "So when will we see you guys' wedding?" I smirked but soon leave a kind of ouch face as North punch me in the gut. "Shut up Connor! And by the way, we are meeting at your place, got it?" "for what?" "To hang out, drink? What else?" She gave her bitch face. We talked a bit, then went back to our duties, I notice Lit. Hank talked on the phone as I headed to my desk. "Damn it! Did you know we are having FBI bitches around, Connor?" Lit. Hank sighed as he sat down at his desk. It is a good thing our division has Lit. Hank a stressball. "North and Markus just told me today" "just great, some dueces being here" "for the record Lit. Hank, they are now former FBIs" "doesn't matter, Connor! Once an ass, always an ass" I smiled, he once told North Markus and me were asses. "Lieutenent, you did told us (refering with North and Markus as well) that we are asses" he looked at me , and shrugged, "you guys still are, just tolerable now" he said in a stammered voice. We worked til it was night, our shift is over. "*YAWN* time tonhead home" Lit. Hank got up and grab his stuff as well as I did. "What will you do once you get home?" "Well North and Markus are coming over, but I wanted to look over this files and finish papers" "Geez Connor, it's like it's going to be a boring night" Lit. Hank said in a tone that I'm not so sure of. I wave good night to everyone and our Captain Amanda Ciber, then I headed home. I drove off, and I start to think I head to a pizza parlor to buy some instead of cooking. Suddenly, I got a distress call back from the division, "Officer Johnson, we have a distress call from neighbor about family abusion sounds near you" I picked up the call, "Got it, send back up" "will do sir" as they gave me the address, I drove off as fast as I can. I parked next to the house, walking slowly to the porch, "hello! DP" I rang the doorbell. I heard noises inside, "did you call the cops?!" "I-I-I d-didn't--" "I told you if you mess with me, bad things happen bitch!" "Todd please... put the lamp down, just leave alice-- out" "shut up! " "help!!" I busted the door down, with my gun out. "Freeze!" I pointed the gyn at man with the lamp up high to a little girl and a woman. "Fuck off!" The man ran towards me, tackled and getting hurt as he punch me. I pushed him back and grab my gun again as heraise his hands up, stopping him from any movement. "You are under arrest for domestic violence, you have the right to remain silent.--" I continued the miranda rights, as the other officers came in to cover the rest. North and Markus came and grab the guy, Todd Williams, to bring him to the station. I saw the girls seated ambulance seats outside, "Connor" Lit. Hank came to check everything. "Lit. Hank, I'm sorry to disturb your night " "its fine... isn't that the woman you met today?" He pointed to where were, and I nodded. "Mmph she looks exhausted" he gave me a small notebook. "Still need to question them, go ahead Connor" "Me?" "Well she knows your face. Better than a stranger" I nodded but I asked Lit. Hank, "how about the man?" "I think I know who that is... we'll deal with him tomorrow." I nodded once more ans went to the girls.

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