Chapter Twenty-Six: End Of The Line

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Music is "War (Acoustic Stripped Version)" by J2 feat. Maddi Lasker.

Picture is Captain America's shield.



{January 5, 2016 -- Present Day}


My hand moves instinctively for my bowstaff as I stand. Tony flies towards us, and I swing it with all the strength I have. It hits him hard, throwing him off-balance. The fissure in the center of the bowstaff cracks again, the short-term fix that Tony gave it coming loose.

Tony kicks me back, knocking the breath out of me. Bucky engages as I recover, using my bowstaff to fight off the Iron-Man. Tony easily dodges it and knocks the weapon from Bucky's grasp. He gets him in a headlock.

"Do you even remember them?" he asks in an angry whisper.

Bucky's eyes lock with mine as I cough more air into my lungs. "I remember all of them."

I push off the wall, running towards them both. I land on Tony's side, scooping up my bowstaff and planting the taser side on the plate between his shoulder and neck. He falls due to the weight and shock. Steve jumps on him on the way down.

Tony knocks Bucky and I off first, and we land on the banister above the ground level. Tony blasts Steve away next, but he rolls to a lower level, one that is open to the snow on the back wall. I scoot over to Bucky, noticing Steve's shield a few feet away as Tony and Steve stare each other down.

"Are you okay?" I ask, cupping his face.

Wordlessly, Bucky nods.

Steve is breathing heavily, gasping out his next words. "This isn't gonna change what happened."

"I don't care," Tony retorts sharply. "He killed my mom."

The brawl between the two Avengers starts again, punches and kicks being thrown by both of them. I help Bucky up, and he snatches Steve's shield. He gets a running start, launching himself at Tony's back. He strikes Iron-Man with the shield, then protects himself from the arc blast with it.

I jump off the platform and land beside them. Tony is between the three of us, trapped by an enemy and two former friends. Steve and Bucky tag-team with the shield while I use my semi-stable bowstaff. Tony's barely able to react to our speed an accuracy. Between the three of us, he's not able to do much.

Our actions keep him pinned for a few moments, but I know from experience that brute force and metal weapons does little against an Iron-Man suit. That suit is one of the most advanced pieces of technology on the planet, enhanced with state-of-the-art interfaces, Stark weaponry, and one of a half-dozen artificial intelligence programs. As soon as Tony analyzes our fight patterns, we're done for.

Tony kicks Steve away as he fires a blast at me. I dodge, only to be hit with a second blast in the shoulder. Flying backwards, I fall on top of Steve. The armor in my suit takes most of the blast. Bucky keeps Tony busy, forcing him back against the concrete wall and protecting us from arc reactor beams, while we gather ourselves.

Steve tries to pull himself up but winces and falls back down again. He fumbles for his rib cage. I can tell something's broken from the pain on his face. Slipping an arm under his, I help him to his feet.

Bucky pins Tony's face with his flesh hand and grips the arc reactor in the center of Tony's chest with the metal hand. Sparks fly and gears rev, fighting the intrusion. Bucky shouts, using what's left of his strength to tear the makeshift heart from Tony's chest.

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