Dating Kristoph Would Include:

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-playing cards with him
-feeling super proud when you win
-spending quite a bit of time alone when he's working
-forehead kisses
-knuckle kisses
-no hugs
-not many cuddles
-no PDA
-calling his hair a blond tornado and only getting a slow shake of the head in return
-watching horror films with him solely because he's "fascinated by the victims' fruitless efforts to escape". That's not terrifying...
-"It's poetic, really."
-" I think you're just trying to make it poetic, Kristoph."
-him reading to you as a way to help you both wind down
-him respecting you so much no matter what
-being the only person he doesn't address by last name (besides his brother)
-"Well your last name is to match mine in due time, so why get used to what won't last?"
-he's super patient with you
-not many jokes, but humor never suited your relationship
-you're his version of relaxation

I never felt the need to put this beforehand, but I write all of these myself in case you were wondering

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