When You're Sick

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-will entertain you no matter what
-brings you whatever you need
-cuddles you in bed
-will freaking bring Charley into your room to keep you company while he's at work I can't—

-somehow knows exactly what to do in every situation
-no physical contact whatsoever
-will leave you a little note telling you what medicine to take and when
-is actually really upset when you get sick but will never show it

-tries to cheer you up
-will cuddle you even though he's scared he'll get sick
-will go shopping for you and even make you tea with honey when he gets home
-actually calls off work so he can stay with you
-how sweet

-makes you go outside with him so you get fresh air
-will still hug and kiss you as usual
-isn't even scared of getting sick
-acts impatient at work because he just wants to get back to you

-will hug you goodnight but sleeps on the couch
-tries to generally avoid you
-comes by every so often to give you a kiss on the forehead
-will come home from work with a bag full of medicine, sweets, and a stuffed animal because he's that extra

-an actual doctor
-"Well if your immune system was better, you wouldn't be sick."
-the Brick Wall of Blackquill™️ breaks a little bit every time you sneeze
-demands he gets a kiss when he goes off to work even if you think you'll get him sick
-will cuddle you even more than usual

-is super sweet and makes dinner every night
-calls your work and his so you don't have to worry about anything
-makes sure you get enough to drink and enough sleep
-teddy bear mode: activated

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