My Favorite Thing About Them

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A personal preference chapter was requested, how sweet! I'm just going to try to explain why I love the boys so much in less than an eight-page summary:) and please forgive me if my specific references are slightly off, I haven't had the time to play the games in quite a while

-throughout the series, I've always just loved how much of a jokester Phoenix is. He always seems to make light of situations by teasing Maya in the first game or helping out the little tour guide boy in the last game
-He's a kind-hearted character and a very sentimental one at that (charley and the signal samurai keychain)
-not gonna lie, he seems like the fun dad that tries to mom Trucy occasionally but ends up making bad decisions with her anyway

-so much chArActER dEVeLOpMEnT
-I was scared of him for a while, but he really warmed up to me
-he had created a rough exterior to prevent people from finding out what he had to go through, something that I can understand completely
-despite trying his hardest not to care, he always looks after the people around him (being the defense in phoenix's place, giving maya a ride, dealing with (and becoming friends with) Kay)
-I also really love how sassy he can be

-my small bean what a cutie
-I loved Apollo from the start of AJAA, and for a while, he was my favorite in the whole series (now it's a four-way tie *wheezes*)
-I love how caring he is and how he chooses to use his special ability
-I can appreciate the way he deals with emotion; he seems to close himself off, and that's kind of what I do
-he's like a little puppy that gets loud sometimes and I wanna pat him on the head and call him a good boy
-I ship him with Juniper so hard (also fun fact I cosplayed as juniper because she's closest to my personality and appearance and it creeps me out a bit but I love her so it's okay back to the story)
-he just seems like a pure soul, but I feel like there's more to him than meets the eye. Like more than his connections with other characters, you know?

-the music man
-a bilingual boy, something I aspire to be
-I like how cocky he is, like he's super confident, but he's not a complete jerk
-he helps out whenever he can
-he jokes around with people a lot and makes fun of them without being too harsh
-he's so extra all the time that it makes you get used to the catchphrases and guitar solos and the shameless self-promo

-he poisoned people. Yes, that's one of my favorite things about him
-he's not fully there in the mind, and the case when we find that out is so much fun, it's probably one of my favorites
-he lacks emotion, but I feel like he could easily be brought back by someone he loves if that makes sense
-he acts so mature and gives me Sebastian vibes and I'm living for it

-bird man (I know he doesn't like that name, I'm sorry Simon)
-these are getting less and less serious I'm really sorry but to be fair I just woke up
-I really love how much he cares for the people around him (especially Athena) despite having been stuck in prison for so long
-he has so many stories to tell and so many experiences we don't know about, and he's definitely a character I'd love to have a conversation with
-once you get to know him, he becomes such a softie
-dare I say it, he can break through the handcuffs
-he would do anything to protect the people he loves

-he has so much caffeine in his system yet he's not annoyingly hyper, he's still a really relaxed personality
-he also has a bit of a dark past, as I feel like many people do (myself included)
-while he might vocally blame other people for things, he only ever blamed himself
-characters with white hair are automatically cool prove me wrong

-bilingual boy, the sequel
-he's religious, but he doesn't shove his beliefs in your face (unless he has to in order to look good)
-he cares so much about Rayfa, and he always did before they found out (no spoilers here, my guy)
-while he was casually damning the characters, he was having so much fun with it
-he is really soft and kind, but I think he'd also be quick to protect people he cares about
-I need his skincare routine ASAP like what a pretty boy

Okay I'm now realizing how much about myself I threw into this, I apologize. I hope this is what you were looking for! I just tried to think of all the reasons I care so much for these characters, but it ended up being really difficult to put into words
I'm still working on requests, so don't worry if I haven't gotten to yours yet:)

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