Accidents Happen

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  You wake up in a hospital room. Not sure how you got there or why. When you open your eyes the first thing you see is your sister attempting to comfort your worried mother. You try to move your arm to signal your awakening, but you cant move it. The pain is too much to bare for your petite arms. You decide groaning is probably your only option. You let out a soft groan. As soon as the faint sound escapes your lips your mother's eyes tare away from her feet. She and your sister rush to your side.

"Oh my sweet baby is awake! Can you talk?"

You aren't entirely sure that you can, but you try anyway. "I- I think.. Yes.. But i can't move, it hurts too much," you choke over your words.

Your sister and mom sigh in relief. Your mother pulls your sister aside and whispers something to her. You can't quite make out what she said, but your sister leaves as fast as she could. Your mom comes to your side and holds your hand.

"Do you remeber what happened?.."

Her eyes begin to water. A mixture of greif and joy? Possibly. You rack your brain to try and remember the events that led you here. "The last thing I remember is being in the car.. And the smell of burning rubber." Your thoughts are then interrupted by your sister emerging in the doorway with a figure behind her. You realize she's a nurse.

"Ah you're awake Ms. Myo...?"

"Y/N" you squeak. Your voice wavering. She hums and fills something out. "Im glad you have made a speedy recovery, however, you'll need to spend the next 48 here under our supervision before you can be released." Your mother thanks the nurse beforw she leaves. "You are so lucky Y/N..." Her face is hard to read. She looks worried but relieved.. You even catch a glimpse of guilt. "You were in a car accident.. The man that crashed into you... He got the worst end of it.. Im so happy you're ok."

Quiet tears sneak their way into your mother's eyes. You dont know how to handle the information.

Who else was in the accident? Are they ok? Where is the other man?

Thoughts like this race in your mind. In fact, you become so caught up in thought that you missed your mother kiss your cheek and head out. "Get some rest sweety.. Ill come by tomorrow" she says softly as she closes the door.

The nurse comes in to check on you a few times throughout the day. You become aware of your body's state after the accident. You are wearing hospital clothes. You have cuts all over you. Your leg is in a cast. You try to get up but the farthest you can move is yo lift your torso up. You give up on trying to move after a while.

So many thoughts cloud your head that you dont even notice tears spilling onto your cheeks and ending their journey on your shirt.

Why?! Why did I have to get into an accident? Why me?!

You mentally curse the universe for putting you here.

The only thing keeping you awake is the other person. Who are they? What happened to them? Will you get to meet them? Even though you are sure the accident was not your fault, you feel guilty nonetheless.

What if it is your fault?!

"Comforting" thoughts like this are making it hard to sleep, or even think clearly. Once you realize that, you decide it's best to push them put of your head.

You still have two days here Y/N!! Then you will meet him. Until then, stop thinking these terrible thoughts!! You scold yourself.

No matter what you tell yourself you cant escape your anxiety until sleep.

Sweet, sweet Sleep

**update A/N: I know im not the best at writing but trust me after like the first one or two it gets better please dont give up on meee 😂😭


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