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Where I am rn lol)


Oh. My. God.

The whole weight of the situation came crashing down on my shoulders as soon as I said it.

My stomach turned into a tight knot. My knees went weak. My hands got clammy. (Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy hehe xD)

He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh my god" I'm sure my face lost all color.

He went pale as well. Which is suprising considering how pale he already is.

"Ok... Just don't look down Y/N" he gulped while looking down.

And of course I looked down. We weren't the highest ones but we were a little over halfway. And the ferris wheel was large.

"Yah!! Yoongi!! What a stupid thing to say! Of course I'm going to look down when you say that! Don't you watch any movies?!" I scolded him playfully.

He chuckled dryly. He seemed a little too worried to have a laugh. But I don't blame him I was too.

"Geez, Y/N, calm down I was just trying to help." He smiled.

"I know"

He gave me a gummy smile.

If I could make him smile like that forever I would spend the rest of my life happy.

Yah! What am I thinking!?? I'm no good for him.. I hurt him...

Feeling guilty again I couldn't look into his eyes. So I put my hands in my lap and stared at that instead.

I felt his stare on the side of my head.

I hope he can't tell how uncomfortable I am.

He nudged my arm. "Hey, they will fix it soon. We will be ok, I promise"

He put his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my arm soothingly.

I didn't even care. All I could think about was how we were stuck on the ferris wheel, how we just kissed, and how we pretended nothing happened.

How embarrassing!!

I know I'm the who ruined the moment but does he not like me?! What am I to him?!

What is he to me?!...

I sighed and put my head in my hands. I'm so stupid to think he could like me. I noticed tears building up in my eyes and threatening to fall.

I looked up at him. He looked at me and smiled softly.


"Yeah, Y/N?" I gulped when he answered. I'm so stupid.

"What am I to yo-" I stopped myself as we both gasped. The ride was moving!! It had only been 15 minutes!! Woo! We're free!!

One by one they unloaded us.

Yoongi and I didn't talk until we got out, we were both too anxious. In our minds we  couldn't get down fast enough.

We rushed out as soon as the staff opened the door.

We ran out of there so fast.

Yoongi stopped to catch his breath.

I on the other hand... Well I basically threw myself to the ground and screamed,"Dobby is free!! Oh how I missed the ground so much!!"

Yoongi laughed, and once I realised what I did I laughed too.

"Got off the nasty floor Y/N!" Yoongi giggled.

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