Motionless Min

120 7 4

(Sorry i had to xD
I just started and I already need to stop)



"Y/N..!" The voice becomes a whisper yell.

You still dont wake up when the owner of the voice starts to nudge you. "Y/N!" The sudden urgency in their tone makes you stir awake.

"What..." You mumble. You open your eyes and you see your younger sister waking you up. Your mom is sitting across the room staring off into space. "I told you to leave her alone" she says annoyed.

"But she's awake mom!" She smiles at you and continues to nudge your arm until you decide to sit up. Your mom walks over to the bedside. She smiles. "Good. Im glad she's feeling better. Do you have a ride out of the hospital? Or should I come?"

You sigh "I need a ride home. But i dont want to leave until I meet him.."

She gives you a curious look. Then you see realization slowly change her facial expression. Your glad she figured it out. You don't really want to talk about it out loud. The guilt might become unbarable if you do. You still cant get over that.

What if it is your fault?!!

As if she could read your mind, your sister breaks the silence. "Its not your fault you know..." Your eyes tear up when she says that. You know it probably isn't but you cant shake your guilty conscience. "I know.." You whisper.


You put all of your weight onto you crutches and mentally prepare yourself for what you might see.

You walk to the door and open the cold, steel handle. You walk through the hallway. The floor was cold on your foot, which were bare. You head down the hall in the direction the nirse told you to go.

The empty white halls seem to stretch on forever. The distance between you and your destination seem to grow with your crutches. It only makes it harder for you to get there. But you are determined to.

I need to apologize

Why? You should be happy he's alive and not blame yourself right? You wish you could. You wish you could take it all back. You wish you never went to work that day. You wish you never hurt him...

You can wish all you want Y/N but it sont change the past

You sigh knowing that it won't change what happened. You reach the room he's in.

Just us. Alone. No other visitors.

How could you hurt such a...

You open the door. "Beautiful person" you finish your thoughts out loud. You stare at him unable to move for what seems like minutes. He has pretty white hair covering one of his eyes. His skin is as pale as sugar. You dont know how to describe him. No matter what you say it wont even be close because he's so... Perfect. You walk in and sit in a seat next to the bed. You dont want to wake him. He looks so peaceful and serene when he sleeps.

You sit perfectly still. Just staring.. Or.. Admiring, actually.

Snap out of it Y/N! Stop being a creep!

You scold yourself. You freeze when he stirs in his sleep.

"U-um hello?..." You manage to say. You aren't able to control your voice volume when you say it and it comes out louder than expected. He opens his eyes. Those beautiful eyes that turn into crecents when he smiles at you.

"Hello.. How long have you been there?" He smiles warmly, not revealing his teeth.

"Oh sorry.. Not long actually. I heard you were here. I wanted to see you." You say straightening up to gain some confidence.

But all that melts away when he smiles. A huge smile. A gummy smile? Yeah thats it, a gummy smile. You practically melt under his gaze.

"Really? Who are you?" He says calmly, not seeming to understand why he's here. In fact, it doesnt seem like he know where he is.

"My name is Y/N.. Myo Y/N" you stuttered. "What a pretty name.. My name is Min Yoon Gi." He says.

Min Yoongi. Thats his name. He has a name. Hes a human being!! And you're the reason he's here. Bruised up and hurt.

"Thats a nice name as well. How are you...? What can I call you?"

He thinks for a moment. "Call me Yoongi or suga. All my friends do." He smiled.


"Ok!" You smile. "How are you?" You asked again.

This time he looked around. "Im fine. I've already talked to the nurses today. They said I should get out in a few days."

"So you remember what happened?" You asked curiously. Your mind is fogged up. You don't remember the details of the accident.

"No.. Just bits and pieces. I should start to remember in a few days."

"Ah... Yoongi?" You look down with tears threatening to fall.


"I'm sorry." You look up to face him tears running down your cheeks. Your face is contorted with grief and guilt. Yoongi looks sad and shocked as well.

"Why..?" He says gently.

"For hurting you"

"Y/N.." He grabs your hand as he says that. "It was called an accident for a reason. No one did it on purpose. It wasn't your fault."

You looked up at the sudden touch and wiped your tears. His hand was warm. And big. So much bigger than yours, and so comforting against your cold small hand.

You smiled weakly. "Thanks Yoongi"

You and Yoongi talk for about an hour. About waking up in a hospital, what you remember from the accident, shying away from personal topics.

"When did you wake up?" Yoongi said.

"Three days ago. I didnt hit my head like you did. I broke my leg. Wasnt wearing a seatbelt.." You replied remembering a small detail from the accident.

You were driving to work while in a hurry to leave. You forgot your seatbelt.

What happened next? You dont remember. You rub your temples. The stress of the situation is starting to suffocate you.

You stand up and position yourself on the crutches. You hobble to Yoongi's side. "I think I should go. Its about time for me to head home"

"Ok. Will you visit me tomorrow?" He smiled. That adorable gummy smile again. "Of course!" You walk to the door and open it. Positioning yourself between the door and the hallway.

"Goodbye Yoongi" you whisper as you close the door.


But you had already started your way back down the hall.

'Will you visit me tomorrow?'

You sigh.

You dont deserve him.

(Sorry if it looks weird on some parts wattpad was being "difficult")

A/N~(Sorry if it looks weird on some parts wattpad was being "difficult")

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