1: A New Beginning

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It's a typical afternoon for young teens or an ordinary afternoon for them. They're fighting Cronus, who has just unleashed demon wolves. Average for the God of time, a little small but expected. The team was doing a reasonably good job but not their best, and their team leader noticed. Cronus retreated a few minutes later with the promise of his return.
"Wow, that was some workout!"
Jay was lost in thought until a small hand patted his back, "Hey, we did well today!" Theresa tried.
Jay looked at her with a concerned look. "I know, but it felt off."
"Yeah, we should have kicked Cronus's butt way earlier!" Atlanta added. Everyone else nodded in agreement. It seemed like they were. Incomplete.

Later, the teens walked into the school and visited the gods, and Jay went to see his mentor Hera to inform her of his worries

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Later, the teens walked into the school and visited the gods, and Jay went to see his mentor Hera to inform her of his worries. "Hera, something is wrong; we are incomplete again." The goddess nodded; she could detect the energy of the young heroes was not to the fullest.
"Go to the oracle; maybe he can help." Although Jay related this to his team, who were not wanting to go see the oracle, "that dude freaks me out!" Harry exclaimed while Neil and Odie both nodded in agreement.
"Well, we don't have much choice in the matter." The three boys groan but follow anyway.

Once they reach the oracle, they ask him immediately what's wrong with them.
"Hmm, let's see here er... oh my! The prophecy has changed, and there is another hero! Huh, how'd I miss that?"
The team gasps, another hero?
"Where can we find them?" Jay asked frantically.
"In the woods; she's here on tour. But be warned, this hero is stubborn and does not easily trust others, so be wary in your quest." The team nod before getting into Harry's truck and driving off using Theresa as a guide. Once they reach the woods, they can faintly hear loud guitars, drums, and vocals. Next, they see a girl about their age singing while playing a keytar; Archie and Atlanta recognize her as their favorite song artist.
"Oh my gosh! It's Heartbroken!"

Yes! Heartbroken finally makes another appearance! I promise she'll be in more books after this! Stay amazing and see you next chapter! Bye!

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Yes! Heartbroken finally makes another appearance! I promise she'll be in more books after this! Stay amazing and see you next chapter! Bye!

The Eighth Hero (Coming Back This Summer)Where stories live. Discover now