Chapter #3

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        I wake up on the plane next to Maytrix. (Her name is May, but Maytrix is just her gamer tag). I look up at her. "Gah... how long was I out for May?" 

        "Not that long... Well... really long acutally. We're half way there. So... four hours?" She shrugged and went back to watching Insidous 2. 

        I pull out my laptop and look at the time. 3:32 PM. I really wanna play that game now. I open it up and play. "Sinking Ships" eh? I have to start over. The scene with the creepy looking ghost boy.

        "They're broken!" 

        "What's broken?" My character says. 

        "The ships are sinking!"

        Was that what it said before? I chose to respond "Calm down... What ships?" 

        "The water is flooding in!" The boy shouts and runs away from me. 

        "Wait come back!" I turn around to see a door. I open it and the water floods in. I shut it and my character says to himself "I gotta find out how I got here." The character opens up the door and then the tutorial kicks in. Jump, duck, swim, run, hide, kill. 

        The game starts. The game opens up into an pre intro scene. My character is partying. Then he exits to take a smoke. The game asks me to make a choice. Walk to my car or to the alley way to smoke. I go to the alley way to smoke more. That's when I get shot. 

        The character is back on the ship. I open the door and walk through it. It's filled with a white light as I walk into it. 

        Maytrix jumps practically out of her seat making me almost drop my laptop. "Oh my god dude, are you alright?" 

        "Yeah.... THIS HORROR MOVIE IS AWESOME!" She whispers loudly. 

        I go back to the game. There's a chair in the middle of the room. Nothing else. There's something glowing in the corner so I go and pick it up. It's an old rusted key. 

        "Guys!" Maytrix whispers. She still has the camera and faced it towards herself. "Right now, we're heading to PAX!" She whispers loudly. "But there is a surprise!" We're going to stay two weeks after PAX 2015. And then guess what? We're going to Vidcon!" 

        "What are you doing Maytrix?" I ask. "You're revealing your face to the interwebs?" 

        "Dude... I already have. Don't worry I didn't show them how you look like... Oh by the way I'm here with (Insert your gamertag here) and right now we're half way to PAX!" She smiles. "I can't wait. We have another three hours.... What do you wanna do?" She asks. 

        I grabbed the camera and faced it at me. "YES. THIS IS HOW I LOOK LIKE. DON'T JUDGE ME." 

        "Yeah!" May poked her head in the frame. "We're both ugly! Leave us alone!" 

        "Yeah!" I laugh and give her a high 5. Once I give her her camera back she faces it out the window and shows them what the united states look like from this high up. I regret doing that for about five seconds. But then I brush it off. Eh, screw it. The world was going to find out what my face looked like anyway. 

        "Hey..." She asks me.... "Are you bored?" 

      "Yeah... Hey... We should play a video game." I suggest. "What was that game that Sark and Nanners played while they were on their way back from PAX 2013?" 

        "Uh... Golf... thing... I have it on my Ipad don't worry." Maytrix laughs. We play and record it... Yes... With facecams. "Hey guys welcome to Golf!" Maytrix says. "This is the first video where we both have face cams. And yes... We're on our way TO PAX! We hope to see you guys there!" 

        "Let's get started!" I say. "I'm going to kick your butt." I say. 

        "Oh it's on hot shot." Maytrix laughs.

        "I would swear but the people sitting next to us are judging us so hard right now so... screw it lets just play." 

I'm Down With That Ship (Reader POV)Where stories live. Discover now