Happy Anniversary

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Monday, December 14th, 8:30 PM

Today was the day. Today marked year six that I was with my boyfriend, Justin Capers. Justin and I met in high school. We had the same homeroom freshman year. Initially, I had no interest in him. He was short, geeky, and made terrible jokes. Not the type that was so bad that you just had to laugh, his jokes were just bad. He'd follow me around all day and help me study for tests. Justin was always around no matter how many times I refused him. It was as if he was immune to my constant rejection. I have to give it to him, the man never gave up. So, after two years of asking, I finally decided to give him a chance. I didn't know what to expect. I had never dated anyone before Justin, at least not seriously. I was seventeen at the time of our first date. My bar was so low on what I expected from our date. I still remember every detail. It was as if it happened yesterday.

Justin showed up at my door with a single white rose. His glasses were hanging off the tip of his nose and his hair was stuck to his forehead due to him sweating so much. He wore a plaid, green shirt with a pair of skinny jeans that were way too tight for him. He stuttered over his words as he spoke, which broke the ice, believe it or not. I was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful rose he picked out for me. I took it and placed it in my purse. After that, he took my hand and led me to his 1967 white Chevy Impala. Usually, Justin drove an old, beat-up Mustang. I was so shocked by his car that I didn't even care that his hands were so sweaty.

He took me to an open field. At first, I wasn't so sure about it, but when we stepped closer, I saw a telescope and a picnic set up. I was immediately drawn in. Everyone knew about my love of astronomy. We laid under the stars while eating junk food all night. At the end of the night, he let me look through his telescope at the beautiful starry sky. I was in so much awe that I didn't notice him turning on music. In a low, shaky voice, he asked me if I would dance with him under the night sky. The song we danced to was Can't Help Falling in Love. And from that day on, I was Justin Capers's girlfriend. He became my world and I became his.

After we graduated from high school he followed me to NYU so we could be together. By our junior year of college we were staying in a tiny apartment with a few other people. He majored in Mathematics, probably the worst and most boring major of all time. But he was good at that kind of stuff. I majored in Art. Painting was my passion. I could do it for the rest of my life.

We were opposites, but that was okay. 

So, after six years together, I'm hoping for a ring. I feel like I deserve one and that Justin loves me enough to marry me. He'd be walking through the front door of our small studio apartment at any moment. I was sitting on the bed with his gift in my hands. I got him tickets to see Gold Brass Metal in concert. They were a band that he was obsessed with. He wanted to see them live in concert, but the tickets were sold out. Luckily for him, though, he has a girlfriend with connections. It took a lot of phone calls and two thousand dollars, but I got him those tickets and backstage passes. He'd be so happy.

I heard the doors unlock and sat up on the bed excitedly. When Justin walked through the door, his head was hanging low. I ran over to him with his gift in my hand. When he saw me, he looked shocked.

"Happy Anniversary," I said, kissing his cheek softly.

"You're here?" He asked, clearly in shock.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Uh, didn't you get my messages?"

"No, my phone is charging," I smiled. "Happy anniversary."

"H-happy anniversary."

Justin was acting very skittish. He was looking over his shoulder as if someone were after him. Small beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. He cleared his throat loudly then wiped the sweat away with the back of his hand. There I was holding priceless tickets in my hand and he couldn't even give me a smile.

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