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Friday, December 18th, 5:45 PM

"You didn't have to do that."

When Sam and I left his mother's house, he took me to the beach. He held my hand the entire ride. He made me feel beautiful, wanted. It had been years since I felt like someone just wanted me. Me, with all of my silly baggage and damage. I knew it was ridiculous, and that in a few days I may not ever cross Sam's mind again, but I didn't care. All that mattered was how he made me feel while I was there.

We sat on the warm sand. There was nobody there but us. He still held my hand. The waves were beautiful and the air smelled much different on the Mexican beach. It didn't smell like the beaches in Hawaii or California or even Miami. The waves and shore had a unique scent that wrapped you in love and comfort.

"Honestly, I think you would have done it for me," I exhaled.

"Yeah?" Sam smiled, kissing the back of my hand.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't say anything better. I usually try to stay away from drama."

"What you said was perfect."

Something had been on my mind since leaving the lunch party. Something I couldn't quite shake. If I didn't ask about it, it would drive me crazy all night.

"Is Isabella your ex?"

I didn't know if I was out of line by asking, but I had to know. The way Sam's whole expression and demeanor changed when Isabella and Francisco showed up was alarming. He went from happy to angry in a matter of seconds.

Sam's head dropped and he took a deep breath. This was clearly a touchy subject for him. I didn't mean to impose, I simply wanted to know him better. Why? No clue. I was leaving soon. Why would I want this man to open up to me? Why would I want to open up to him?

"Yeah. We were together for seven years."

"Seven?! How old are you?" I asked.

"Relax," he smiled. "Twenty-five. We broke up a little over a year ago."


"She said we grew apart, there was no spark in our relationship anymore. I was completely blindsided by it. I mean, not even two days earlier were we picking out engagement rings. I really loved her, you know?"

I was saddened by his confession. It was stupid. I barely knew Sam. But that didn't stop it from hurting.

"I understand."

"I was depressed for weeks. I wouldn't leave the house, shower, or move. I pictured my life with Isa. If you would have told me a day earlier that Isa and I would be over, I would have bet the family business that you were lying. That's how certain I was that we'd always be together."

"Was growing apart from each other the real reason she broke up with you?"

"No. One day my Uncle Miguel came to my house and told me that Isa was seeing Francisco. I called him every mentiroso in the book. Still, he made me get out of my bed and go to Francisco's house. When I knocked on the door Isa answered it in his shirt."

"I'm so sorry, Sam." I wrapped my arms around him tightly while he looked out across the ocean. He was right next to me, but he seemed so far away. I made him recall a very painful memory.

"I thought I was heartbroken before, but nothing prepared me for that. Seeing the love of my life in the arms of my cousin, who hates me, was too much. Francisco and I were never close. He was always picking on me and saying comments about my dad under his breath. But to stoop that low? Even I was shocked. I went deeper into depression. The only people who cared were my mom, dad, and Uncle Miguel. They tried everything to help me, but I kept pushing them away."

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