For the Both of Us

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Friday, December 18th, 12:29 AM

"Don't you want something else to drink?" Sam asked.

It was half-past midnight and I was already fifteen tequila shots in with no signs of slowing down. I hadn't had a drink in five years. I missed the burning sensation in my throat and the courage it gave me. The only reason I stopped drinking was because of Justin. He hated the idea of me drinking. So, to please him, I put the alcohol away. It was hard at first, but after a few months, I was fine. I found other vices such as oil paintings and riding bicycles.

Ugh, Justin.

Every time I thought about Justin I needed to take another shot. I just wanted to forget my pain for a little while. I knew it was only temporary, but that was okay with me. Forgetting for a few hours was better than remembering forever.

"N-no. I don't want anything else to drink," I slurred.

"I think you've had enough, Sam."

Samuel and I were standing in the corner by ourselves. The bar wasn't full at all. There were about six people there. It was a fairly small bar. The walls were decorated with the most beautiful pictures and paintings of Mexico. The music in the background filled my ears and I couldn't sit still. I had to move, I had to dance.

"Just dance with me, Sam. Help me forget." I pulled him closer.

Sam seemed a little hesitant, but he began to dance with me anyway. He moved his hips along with mine. I felt more alive dancing with Sam than I had in ages. He ran his hands down the side of my body as I swayed my hips against him. It felt like there was nobody in the bar except for us. I could feel his warm breath in my ear. It wasn't bad at all. In fact, it was kind of nice. I continued to sway my hips from side to side as I slid down his body slowly. When I came back up, Sam turned me towards him. I pressed my body even closer to his. He looked me deep into the eyes. My breath was stuck in my throat as he stared at me, but we didn't stop dancing. No one had ever looked at me that way before.

The music stopped seconds later. Sam smiled at me. He caressed my face gently as he continued to stare into my eyes. He seemed to be deep in thought. I wondered what was going through his mind.

"How about we take a seat at the bar?"

"Okay," I said breathlessly.

We walked over to the bar together and sat down. I held my hand up to order another drink, but Sam grabbed it.

"What is it?" I asked.

"This is on my tab, remember?"

"Oh. I'll pay you back."

He shook his head in objection. "No, you don't have to do that. Just tell me what you're trying to forget. Why would such a beautiful woman come to Mexico a week before Christmas with no family or friends?"

I was caught off guard. Maybe I should have known Sam would want to know what's going on in my life. He was being very nice to me and buying me things, but that didn't mean I needed to tell him all of my business. I mean, where did I begin?

"Uh, well, Monday was my six-year anniversary with my boyfriend."

"Oh, I see."

If I'm not mistaken, Samuel sounded a little sad or disappointed.

"Want to know what my boyfriend got me?"


"Guess," I laughed.

"A vacation to Mexico?"

"Wrong! He surprised me by kicking me out of our apartment, confessing that he had been cheating on me for two years, and telling me he's going to marry somebody else."

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