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Three Years Later

Friday, June 12th, 7:45 PM

The last three years of my life have been a rollercoaster, a wonderful rollercoaster. What started as a weekend getaway turned into months of traveling, two years of a long-distance relationship, and three years full of love and happiness. My love life made a complete turn around the night I walked into Samuel Juan Nuñez's hotel. He became everything I wanted and everything I never knew I needed.

We left Mexico together two days after we decided to travel the world together. As promised, the first place we went to was California. Once we were in California I called my parents to let them know where I was and what I was doing. They were surprisingly happy for me. My dad even loaded money into my bank account once a month to help us travel. After Cali, I took Sam to New York where he saw his first broadway and opera show. His mind was blown. While in New York he met my parents. They took a liking to Sam very quickly. I was quite surprised. They loved Sam from day one. After New York we went to Puerto Rico, Bali, Bora Bora, Jamaica, Belize, Paris, Rome, Spain, Greece, South Africa, and Russia.

It was a long, adventurous six months. In that short amount of time, Sam and I made things official. He asked me to be his girlfriend in New York after the Broadway show. It was kind of perfect. The snow was falling so beautifully that night. I will never forget how happy I was in that moment. Never. Our relationship was very strong after leaving Russia, but we knew things were going to get harder. Sam had to go back to Mexico to help his mom run the hotel and I needed to go back to New York to start painting. A museum became interested in some of my works and wanted to see more of them. I spent so much time painting when Sam left that it hurt our relationship. We began to grow apart due to our busy schedules. We tried our best to make things work, but after a few months, Sam and I decided that breaking up might be the right thing to do.

That didn't work either. We were broken up for about two weeks when Sam came to New York to surprise me. I was staying with my parents at the time while searching for a place to stay. Sam told me that he couldn't and wouldn't live without me. He wanted to make us work no matter the distance and I agreed. It wasn't easy going from seeing someone every day to hardly ever seeing them at all, but we were both willing to work for our relationship. Things have been great ever since. We saw each other so often that it didn't feel like we were in a long-distance relationship.

Back in January, Sam sold the family hotel to a hotel chain. Sam and his mother were paid twenty-five million dollars for the hotel and they were also getting ten percent commission from the hotel. Sam became a millionaire overnight. I guess those long nights and not getting to live out his dream worked in his favor. Now it was Sam who helped everyone in his family, not Francisco.

My brother was out of the country doing mission work in Africa. While there, he met a wonderful woman named Bahati, which means lucky. He was in love and had no plans of returning home without her. I wished them luck.

I know you're all wondering about Cici and Justin. It was hard for me to be around them for a while, but once my niece was born, I decided to let everything go. My niece, Harper Justine Capers, was born on April fourth, weighing five pounds and six ounces. She was absolutely perfect. She had dark brown hair and big hazel eyes. Her skin was toffee-like and so smooth. She could have been a model. Her hair was long and curly with hints red throughout her dark brown curls.

A few months after having Harper, Cici's postpartum depression reached an all-time high. Soon after, Justin left for North Carolina. Cici expressed how she felt like a horrible mother a lot. She felt like she couldn't take care of Harper. That September Cici left Harper on my doorstep when she was just four months old. She lives in North Carolina with Justin now. They were married last month at the courthouse. My parents went to support them.

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