Never Change

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Saturday, December 19th, 12:59 AM

Sam finally told me how to exchange US dollars for pesos. I used my money to buy a new outfit for the club Sam was taking me to. I bought leather shorts and a white crop top with a pair of black ankle boots. Sam thought I looked amazing. He couldn't keep his hands off of me, not that I wanted him to. I was beginning to develop some feelings for Sam. I didn't know if they were genuine or if I was on the rebound. Either way, I wasn't going to be afraid. I was going to allow myself to feel whatever the hell I wanted, and I wanted Sam.

Tonight was all about letting loose, having fun, and being myself. Sam liked me just the way I was and I liked him. Things were happening fast, but I didn't care. It took Justin forever to get me and look how that turned out. I was going to enjoy my time with Sam and not focus on the future. All I wanted to focus on was the present.

Sam's friend owned the club so he gave us free food and was extremely nice to us. Sam knew a lot of the workers at the club too. They were very beautiful ladies. I was slightly jealous that he was around so many beautiful women, especially because they openly flirted with him. But I knew Sam only had eyes for me. No matter how many women came up to us and flirted with him he kept his attention on me. Some of the ladies acted as if they weren't going to speak or acknowledge my presence so Sam introduced me to them anyway. The look on their envious faces was priceless. He was amazing.

We were sitting at the bar nodding to the music. Music wasn't like this in New York. I was really enjoying the scene here. All of the beautiful people dancing away their worries was exactly what I needed to see. They reminded me of myself. They were trying to live in the present. What happened yesterday didn't matter and the future was a mystery. All that mattered was how we felt and what we wanted at that moment. Call us selfish, but we were trying to live life. We only get one.

"Are you drinking tonight?" Sam asked against my ear.

"No," I shook my head. "I just want to enjoy my night with you."

Sam smiled then pulled me towards the dance floor. I couldn't dance, at least not like the beautiful Hispanic women around me. But I tried my best. I looked silly, but I made Sam laugh. That was worth it. He laughed harder then pulled me closer, leading our dance. I could get used to dancing in clubs with Sam. He hugged onto me as if he never wanted to let me go. No one would be able to tell that I couldn't dance because he danced against me all night. I never wanted the song to end.

"Let's get something to drink!" Sam yelled over the music.

I nodded my head yes. Sam took my hand and led me through the crowd of people. As we made our way to the bar I accidentally bumped into someone. I said sorry as loudly as I could, but I wasn't sure if the person heard. Sam still had my hand so we continued to make our way to the bar. We sat down at the first open bar stools we saw. I couldn't sit down soon enough, my feet were starting to hurt.

"Dos horchatas, por favor," Sam said.

When Sam spoke Spanish it lit something inside of me. His thick accent sounded great when he spoke English, but there was something about his voice in his native tongue that made me tingle in a good way. I had to bite my lip to keep from smiling.

"What's horchata?"

"It's good, you'll like it."

The bartender gave us our drinks and Sam and I talked for a few minutes. Everything was going so smoothly. I should have known that the good times wouldn't last. The night was going too perfectly.

One tap. One tap on the shoulder was all it took to disrupt my perfect night full of dancing, laughter and smiling.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned slowly to face them. "Disculpe?"

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