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Saturday, December 19th, 9:35 AM

I opened my eyes and saw the beautiful sun rays beaming into my room. Sam was snoring lightly in my ear and his arm was wrapped around me tightly. Inhaling deeply, I smiled to myself and kissed his arm gently. It felt so nice to wake up next to him. I couldn't remember the last time I woke up in Justin's arms. He would always wake up before me and leave without so much as a goodbye. If I did wake up before him, he'd pretend to be asleep to keep from talking to me. Sam and Justin couldn't have been from the same planet. There was no way.

I gently moved Sam's arms and sat up in the bed. He was still fast asleep. Sam looked beautiful in the morning. From the way his hair was hanging in front of his eyes to the definition in his jawline, Sam was handsome. Not only was he handsome, he had a great personality. I hated that I would be leaving tomorrow, but I knew I'd never forget Mexico or the man who made it special.

My phone vibrated loudly on the nightstand. I quickly picked it up so I wouldn't wake Sam. I stepped outside onto the balcony and looked down at my screen. It was my mother. She was probably calling to make sure I was okay. I was better than okay. I was happy. How was that possible? Less than a week ago I found out my boyfriend was sleeping with my sister, but I was happy. I had no home, no job, and no friends, but I was happy. And it was all thanks to Sam.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Sammy, how are you? You've barely talked to me since you left."

"I'm good, Mom. I'm actually happy, really happy," I smiled.

"I can hear your smile through the phone. What happened? Does this have something to do with a man?"

My mother knew everything. Do all women have this superpower, or is it just mothers? She knew things before I knew things. When I was ten, she told me not to go to Shelby Greene's slumber party because she wasn't a nice girl. That night, she poured honey on me and hit me repeatedly with a feather pillow. In high school, my mother told me my best friend at the time, Cynthia Peters, was a two-faced slut. Turns out, she was. In college, she told me there was something about Justin that just wasn't right. Once again, she was right. Mothers have a sixth sense or something.

"Yes, ma'am, it does."

"You found yourself a boyfriend in Mexico?"

"He's really something, Mom."

"Sam, I know this guy is probably taking your mind off of what's really going on, but do you genuinely think it's smart to go falling for a man you may never see again after tomorrow?"

"I don't know. All I know is that he makes me happy, Ma. He's funny and smart and driven. He knows what he wants and he knows what's important. He hasn't judged me for anything. I opened up to him and he accepted me."

"Does this 'He' have a name?"

"Samuel. Samuel Nuñez."

"Sam and Sam, huh?"

"Yeah," I laughed. "Funny how that worked out, huh?"

"You do sound remarkably happy, Sam. And if you're happy, so am I."

"I am happy."

"Okay. Call me when you're on your way back home."

"I will. Love you."

"Love you, too. Bye."

I turned to walk back into the room, but Sam was leaning against the patio door. His hair was wild. I just wanted to run my fingers through it. His eyes were scrunched together due to the bright sun shining on him. He gave me a lazy smile.

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