Crazy Love

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Saturday, December 19th, 8:56 PM

"You've fallen for me?"

"Yes, and I know it's crazy. It doesn't make any sense. I shouldn't have done it, but I did. And I don't regret it."

"You don't know what you're saying, Sam. I'm just a rebound for you because of what happened with your ex."

"Was my breakup recent? Yes, but Justin and I have been over for a long time. I genuinely like you, Sam. I know it sounds crazy. We have so much more to learn about each other, but love is so special and rare. I have to give it everything I've got, even if it doesn't make sense."

A smile formed on Sam's lips but quickly faded. A serious, sad look was etched across his face. What happened? He went from being happy to upset in a matter of seconds.

"Sam, look," he sighed, "the past few days have been amazing, but it could never work between us. You live in New York, I live here. I can't offer you anything and I can't go anywhere. The family hotel belongs to me. I doubt you'd uproot your whole life for me. What we've had has been good, but we both know this is the end. It should be the end."

"Don't you like me, even just a little bit? Don't you want to explore what could be?"

"No, Samantha, and you shouldn't either."

I had been shot down. It was nice of him to word it the way he did, but that didn't make it hurt any less. I put myself out there hoping to receive something in return; love. And even though my feelings were hurt, I completely understood where Samuel was coming from. Relationships are hard enough as it is, adding hundreds of thousands of miles between them is even harder. Regardless of how my trip ended, Sam made it one to remember. He gave me back some much-needed confidence, and for that, I'll always be grateful.

"Okay, well, I think I should go."

"I'll give you a ride."

"No," I said as I stood up, "that's okay. I'll take a taxi. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me this weekend."

"Can I have one last hug?"

"No, it would be too hard."

"Thank you, Samantha, for everything, too."

I smiled and grabbed my things.

"Keep the painting. That way you'll never forget me."

"Forget you? Oh, Sam, I'd never forget you. Me gustas mucho"

Sunday, December 20th, 8:25 AM

I began to pack everything I had. As I picked up the new outfits Sam brought me, memories came flooding back. My outfit from the first night when I got sloppy drunk and told him about Cici. My outfit from day two when I met Sam's family and had the best Mexican food I've ever eaten.

Tears ran down the tip of my nose as I stared down into my suitcase. A man I dated for six years didn't make me cry when I left, but Sam did. Someone I've known for less than a week was causing the tears falling against my folded clothes. It was stupid, so incredibly stupid, to be crying over Sam. It was probably a mistake to allow myself to fall for him. In the back of my head I knew it was dumb, but I just wanted to feel something. I haven't felt love in so long, deep down inside, I was hoping, wishing even, that Sam would offer me something Justin never could. I put all my eggs into one basket.

Justin always used to tell me how reckless and thoughtless I was, but that wasn't true. I was never the "You only live once" type of person. If I wanted to do something, I did it with lots of thinking, mostly of the consequences. That's not an ideal way to live, especially when other people and their feelings get involved. I guess being single and being around Sam made some of my old tendencies come out. Life is about balance. I guess I was still trying to find mine.

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